Episode 20: Roses

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In the final battle of the Mountain, the group is in a standoff after the Cryo Orb is activated. Ice Dragon looks at Lucian so it can break the stalemate.

Lucian: (Throws Microphone for his skill) Ear microphone mother...

The parallel is hit on the head by it.

Parallel: What the fu...

Ice Dragon jumps in the air with Melody's Anemo powers holding him in it.

Ice Dragon: Release when I say "Go".

Melody: Okay.

She precedingly releases him sending them forward.

Ice Dragon: Shooooot... (Noticing where they are going and the position of the preceding change with his feet facing the Parallel)

The feet hit the Parallel stunning them.

Parallel: (Frustrated) OK, you are just playing with me. Let's get it started.

While they are distracted Francis and Ling use vaporize to distract them with steam. While in the steam Jasmine charges up her skill with Kameron doing the same with him using his filming kamera to channel his vision.

Parallel: Huh? What is the...

In a quick second Jasmine rushes forward with Thunderpaw Pounce creating Electro energy while after that Kameron then swirls at full power knocking the parallel down.

Parallel: (Groaning) Just a minor setback. (Looks at Ice Dragon) Hey, think quickly.

The parallel sends a vine near Ice Dragon's head but he dodges it.

Ice Dragon: (Sighing) I thought I was dumb, but you are very incompetent.

He touches on e the vines revealing the Cryo Orb's ability to imbue anything with Cryo energy. With that touch, the room that was covered in plants gets frozen over.

Ice Dragon: So that's what that does? Huh...

Parallel: (Summons Dendro Giants) Let's see if you can handle this.

Ice Dragon: (Summons Ice Giants) Everyone makes sure to get the rest these will Rally.

Everyone else in the group nodes.

Ice Dragon: Okay...

In the battle, Ice Dragon mainly focuses on Parallel using his staff to counteract everything Parallel can offer.

Parallel: (Mocking) Aren't you gonna end it?

Ice Dragon: Maybe depends on the situation here yes. In the Dark Sea yeah... no, not my problem right now.

After a final counterattack, Ice Dragon manages to freeze Parallel in ice sending Parallel back to Dragon's shadow.

Jasmine: (Cheerful) Yeah we did it.

Ice Dragon: (Smiling) Yeah, I think so.

Francis: Aren't you gonna return the mountain to...

Ice Dragon: Oh, forgot about that.

He flies into the air with the Cryo Orb deactivating for now. He extends his arms circles them around crunches them to remove all of the vines and Cryo back into the middle of the hub. Also, he falls to the ground after this.

Francis: Should we... forget it? (Yawn) Gotta get back to law studies. There is some time to make up.

Ice Dragon: You guys can go, I have to clean up the place. Ok technically, the Iceit Giants but who is keeping track? (Whispering) Just gotta fix it before the administration gives me a fine.

Everybody else looks at him with an eyebrow raised.

Ice Dragon: Yeah, probably went way too far with that one.

Jasmine: (Checks Map) Commissions gotta be done. See ya!

Melody: I have to make up church duties.

Ling: People have to get to the afterlife so...

Lucian: If Francis is going back to Fontaine, Kameron that means...

Kameron: Larusso's show is back, Dragon after you're done do you want to go to the magic show?

Ice Dragon: Yeah, see ya there.

End of Season 2: Cryo Chapter: Scars of the Dragon

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