Episode 10: Dragon of Ice

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In the base, the Aster flips the switch and the portal opens. Where we seem like a forest.

Aster: Uhhh, a forest? That is what the starting point is.

Zain: [While reading a book] We activated the portal may as well go in.

Rahima: You heard what the Geo user said.

They all file into the portal. Going through the forest as a group

Vreni: You people are lucky that we had a day off.

Tomo: Can't be that bad I mean what could happen?

Hinata: Ice Giants.

Tomo: Yes, Ice Gi... wait.

They all see some Ice Giants patrolling through the forest.

Fahm: (Whispering) Get to the sides and lay low we don't know if they are a threat yet. Also, why are we calling them Giants? They are like 5 feet tall.

Filma: (Jumps Out) They can't underestimate the power of Filma von Luftschloss Narfidort!

Fang: Bloody hell, Mate, what bloody part of "lay low" don't you understand?

Jasmine: Knowing her probably all of it.

Fang: That was rhetorical.

Zhun: I'll throw a rock at them to distract the Giants.

She throws the rock that accidentally hits Filma.

Vanessa: Can anyone get Filma out of that?

Fahm: I would say Svetlana but, she is in Scheznaya.

Vanessa: Well let's see what they can do.

The Ice Giants react by showing them the way to the next room.

Filma: Well, that was anti-climatic.

Zhun: What is this thing?

In the middle of the room, they see what seems like a ball floating in midair between two spiked pillars.

Hinata: Seems like the hub for this place.

Aster: So if the forest was a room what is on the next floor?

Sinno: I recommend we take that machine.

An elevator to the side is shown. They all agree to go in groups to see what is up there. In the next room is an arena where we see "Sergey".

Li Jie: The food curator is here he wasn't even part of the group invited.

"Sergey": Wait. I guess you know where the dimensional hub world is.

Hinata: What!

"Sergey": Forget it now it is time for sparring.

"Sergey" transforms into an anthropomorphic Ice Dragon with a staff.

Ice Dragon: Hope this match will be fun.

He proceedingly teleports around the arena attacking with ice attacks.

Aslan: Can't be that bad for sparring.

Aslan gets frozen in a block of ice.

Aslan: This is why I hate the cold.

Zain: This seems to be a phase of sparring so attacking them is key.

Rahima: Thanks, Captain Obvious. Can we get someone to unfreeze Aslan?

Ling: I'll get this.

In the battle, they manage to get Ice Dragon done with phase 1.

Ice Dragon: I am getting tired. I guess the Ice Giants can handle this for me.

The Ice Giants target whoever is closest and when it is about to Qi-yi, Selene goes and protects her.

Selene: Well you wanted a fun match. I'll give it to you.

Selene beats up the Ice Giant.

Selene: You ok, Qi-yi?

Qi-yi: Yes.

After the Ice Giants are done with Ice Dragon wakes up for the final phase combing his attacks with the Ice Giants summoned from their staff.

Vreni: So that's where they come from, target the Dragon.

Over the battle, the Ice Dragon loses the sparring.

Ice Dragon: I am such an idiot.

Everyone Else: What?

Ice Dragon: I was a boss this time and of course, I was going to lose by numbers.

Tomo: Is he insane?

Ice Dragon: I probably am but, right now that is beside the point. Anyway, back to my rant.

Aster: You're not from Teyvat are you?

Ice Dragon: Wasn't that obvious enough.?

Tomo: Still have those straw hats?

Ice Dragon: Yes I do.

Hinata: You wrote this note in Enkanomiya?

Ice Dragon: I did that I saved you people from rocks because I need people alive to buy food, OK?

Vanessa: Uh, I guess you can move your place to Teyvat?

Ice Dragon: I'll put it next to Mondstadt.

Vanessa: Didn't say next to Mondstadt but, sure.

Over the next few weeks, Ice Dragon gets situated in Teyvat.

Ice Dragon: Guess this world I can fix my multiple personality issues. Just have to wait till bring them up. The narrator explains what else happened.

Well, also in that time frame Tomo and Qi-yi started dating. Rahima was fined by the Akademiya for breaking one of its rules. Both her Aster and Lev were awarded for the portal. With some Mora earned through food-related activities the Ice Dragon and the people of Liyue there was an Opera House built on the sea. That's all for this season.

End of Season 1: The Beginning

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