Episode 17: Space

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They float around the room.

Ice Dragon: (Looking Around) If I remember we just have to go up we should be at the Hub of this mountain.

Melody: (Whispering) Are you sure this is the right way? You always seem to forget how this place is organized.

Ice Dragon: (Pause) Ok.

They float around the room trying to go in an upward direction.

Jasmine: (Pointing at a collection of stars) Look at this.

Ice Dragon sees the stars going to his constellation which is a crab with a shock.

Ice Dragon: (Covering it up) Not going to my memories today. Ehhh...

Jasmine: (Raising eyebrow) Memories? (Sees her constellations and covering it up) Why does it do it?

Melody: (Sigh) Why do I even bother?

They cut to looking at what the heck Ling is doing.

Ling: (Playing around with his catalyst) You see Francis if you say turn into a ghost or something with a vision you could theoretically stay on the mortal plane just you got to escape the afterlife.

Francis: (Yawn) Are you sure that will work? Especially since that is fooling around on the mortal plane?

Ling: (Shocked) I have no idea. Let's just hope you don't get trapped in the afterlife to be with.

Ice Dragon: (Yelling) Dude don't just stand there we have a place to go!

Francis: Why are they so impatient especially because he is stalling?

Ice Dragon: (Cough) Listen to this as you can see the space room the stars it shows the shape of your constella... hey... anyone ever noticed that orb floating around?

In the middle of the room floating is an orb with the Cryo symbol on it.

Ice Dragon: (Grabs the orb) This definitely cannot be a vision. Does anyone have an idea what to do with this?

Ling: (Raising hand) Well I have an idea, since you found you keep it.

Francis: (Sighing) Make sure... it is at least somewhere where you won't forget it. (Yawn) Just have it be in a place that won't land you on a just got stolen list I get enough of those in Fontaine.

Ice Dragon: (Summons Ice Giants) Ummm... didn't think this through. Uhhh... make this into a pocket watch.

The Ice Giants put the orb into a pocket watch.

Jasmine: (Mildly angry) Ling why did you say that?

Francis: (Pointing upward) You did say that... the hub of this mountain was (Yawn) upward right?

Ice Dragon: Uhh... Yeah. Sh-t I forgot that we were supposed to be going up!

Ice Dragon: (Realization sets in) Damnit.

Melody: (Confused) Can't be that bad right?

Ling: (Trying to be encouraging) Let's just go up. Ok. My coupons can wait.

Ice Dragon: (Wakes up from sleeping) Yeah.

Francis: You were... sleeping!

They continue to go upward arriving almost close to the door.

Jasmine: (Hand on her chin) I feel like we should be getting closer.

Melody: What do you think caused this?

Ling: Yeah, Dragon since this started in your mountain you should have an idea of what started this.

Ice Dragon: Uhh... honestly I don't know what caused this in the first place.

Jasmine: (Sly look) Could it have something to do with your past?

Ice Dragon: (Startled) Give a guy a warning first.

It opens the door to the hub with the orb in the middle of the pillar seemingly broken with vines coming out.

Ling: (Teasing) Whatever you are we have a Dragon by our side. (Whispers to Dragon) You do what you are doing right?

Ice Dragon: I think so. Anyway, anyway, if what caused this would please reveal itself so when can best up I will gladly do so. (Back to the group) You guys gotta plan for this?

Melody: I think we got some plans here.

In a moment darkness comes from the plants in the form of a version of Dragon but made out of shadows with some trails going out to the left side.

Ice Dragon: What in the...

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