Chapter 23

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"You're seriously gonna go back to their base and hear them out when there's a chance that they tried to kill you?" Denki barges in asking.

"Well... they have another plan to interrupt a UA training facility and im curious. Besides you know I would do anything to see Kacchan again," I shrug, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. He's not happy with my decision.

"A nomu attacked you. Wounded you bad enough that it took you days to recover. And you think the best course of action is to waltz in the home of the very people who created that monster?" He says. Anger and frustration lining his tone.

"When you put it that way.... Look it's not like you don't make a good point. It's just that my sense of adventure and need for excitement overrides my better judgment. Not to mention, their base is in the middle of town. If they attack me then they'll expose themselves, the likely hood of me being attacked when I enter is low," I reason.

"You're hopeless. I swear if I hadn't chosen to come with you then you would have died years ago," he pauses with a heavy sigh. "Take Todoroki with you," he demands.

"What?! Why would I do that?" I question.

"Because he cares about you and at this point I trust him to save you from yourself when I'm not around. This isn't a request. You can take Todoroki or I can zap you and lock you up until I'm not mad at you anymore. Don't test me Izuku," he says sternly. Leaving absolutely no room for argument. I guess I'm taking Todoroki with me this time.

"Ok ok fine. I'll bring him but only if he wants to go,"

"I do," he says stepping out from behind the corner. Was everyone eavesdropping? I let out a sigh. This presents a tiny bit of a problem. Their base isn't exactly in a small populated area. Chances are fairly high that we'll be caught.... Oh well. It might be fun. Especially since Patches was so upset the last time we parted ways. It'd be funny to see how he reacts to seeing Todoroki fully conscious.

"Well in that case absolutely," I smile wickedly throwing both of them off.

"Wait seriously? That's it? No argument or rejection of any kind?" Todo asks.

"Why would I object if you said you wanted to go?" I tilt my head curiously. He just stares at me shocked.

"Whatever your reason for suddenly being okay with this is besides the point. Just look after each other and come home," Denki sighs. Before I can say anything else Denki walks away leaving me and Todoroki alone. I lean back against the island letting my elbows prop me up.

"Tomorrow is going to be fun. We haven't gone out just the two of us," I say.

"Do you really think this is a good idea Izuku? I mean Denki is right, there's a good chance they tried to kill you," Todo says softly.

"Try being the key word there though. Even if they were behind the attack, they learned that i can kill one of their nomu. Albeit I probably couldn't have done it if the damn thing had a regen ability like the one that fought Allmight," I admit.

"I don't think I've ever met someone with Superman syndrome this bad before,"

"You love me," I wink. His face becomes a cheery red. I push off the counter and approach him. Pulling him in for a hug.

"I'll admit that when I first kidnapped you it was out of curiosity, but now.... Now I think you've actually managed to awaken some feelings in me," I whisper in his ear. Letting him go, I turn around and and climb up onto the island. Sitting cris cross, I watch as the washer full of sheets and water spins. Letting any perverted thoughts and needs slip into the back of my mind.

Caught You~ Villain Deku x TodorokiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon