"I don't want your gifts Saul but i appreciate the kind gesture." She showed him a tight lipped smile and walked into her house with him close behind her.

"Fine, don't take it but my mother is the one who bought it for you."

This caused Salem to take the box out of his hand while she was grinning from ear to ear.

"My mother has amazing taste, now go get ready i'll be waiting in the living room."

Salem danced all the way to her room while staring at the beautiful bracelet Mrs. Hong gifted her. She didn't know what Saul had planned for dinner, but she knew not to underdress because you could never tell with him. She decided not to do her hair or makeup because it didn't need to be fixed, so she changed into a cute two piece set she got from the mall last week.

As she walked out to her living room Saul was on the phone arguing with someone in Korean. She didn't care about his conversation because she was getting cat food to feed the stray cats that come by her house.

But from what she could gather from the conversation, he was pissed at one of his employees for not calculating the money earned correctly, which probably meant someone was embezzling funds.

She came back from outside after setting up the bowls of cat food, and Saul was off the phone sitting and waiting for her.

"What was that about?" She asked in a tone that lacked empathy.

"Business." He replied in a gruff tone while fixing his tie. "Anyways it's not important let's go."

The ride to wherever they were going was a bit awkward, Salem connected to his car and played all her music while he didn't say a word.

They eventually arrived at a performing arts center and she couldn't help but notice that Solana's face was plastered on every poster while  she posed in pointe.

"Wait is Solana in Korea right now?" Salem asked excitedly.

"She is, and she told me to bring you because you said you've always loved ballet." He parked at valet and opened her door as they walked inside.

Salem already knew that reporters would circle them as they arrived because it's been happening for about 2 weeks now. Wherever she went someone was taking a picture. It became even worse when the both of them were seen together. It even got to the point where it reached international news in the U.S.

She knew that revealing her face to the public in the states would bring a lot of fame, but it Korea it was way worse because gossip spreads like wildfire.

"Shit, i thought i didn't make anything public how could they know we're here?" he asked in a rushed tone.

At this point Salem had seen Solana's Instagram story and it all began to make sense. She showed him the post and he immediately sighed.

Reporters started swarming them asking questions in Korean and a few in English.

"How long have you two been dating?"A reporter asked with a thick Korean accent.

At this point Salem was fuming, but before she could say anything security was pushing the reporters away, and guiding the both of them to their VIP seats.

They didn't talk much after that and watched Solana's performance all the way through. At the end of it all Salem was crying so hard and she broke down in tears when she handed Solana her flowers.

"Why is she crying so much Oppa?" She asked Saul in a concerned tone.

"Hell if i know, also why dd you post the fact that we were going to be here today while also calling her your sister?" He looked over at a blushing Solana.

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