They find out your not eating Pt1

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Raven:She took notice the first day..she brought your favorite snack and Coffee but you "forgot" them on the table. She immediately found you during the your free period. "Rav? What are you doing?" You asked as she pulled you as she had a hold of your hand. "We're going to hocus latte. You didn't touch your food at all." She said determined and firm. You were a little surprised she noticed so soon but you couldn't help the small fond smile that came to your face.

-She's on immediate look out even on the first day.She is observant.
-When she finds out she will do everything in her power to get you your favorite snacks.
-Wants to make sure you eat before she has to leave you for the day.

Ramona: You were just feeling self conscious and thought you should look "better". (Which was lies you guys are gorgeous -_-) It took her about a day but the second day she noticed you didn't touch breakfast nor lunch. During your free period she walked up to you and threw you over her shoulder without a word. "Ramona Badwolf! What are you doing!" You tried getting her to sit you down but she ignored you and finally put you down when you were both in the enchanted forest. "Ramona what in fairy godmother-" You were cut off when she pulled you down into her lap. You noticed a blanket that had a lot of your favorite snacks."Ramona?"You looked up at her and she met your eyes. You could tell it was a concern behind them. "Eat, I'm not letting you up till you eat something." Her words left no room for arguing.
-It might take her a day but when she figures out she will give you no choice.
-She will give you tough love as she would refuse to leave you alone till you ate.

Cerise:-Your the madhatter's kid you have food on you at all time-

Apple:You were busy going over your fathers notes he gave you over the month and forgot to eat. Apple had the same issue but with her mothers demands so you both usually had lunch to make sure you ate but you were two hours late and she was panicking. She went up to your dorm and entered without knocking."Y/n Charming!" You jumped slightly at her shouting."Apple luv what-what's wrong?" You looked up from your desk as you noticed the basket of food in her hands. "Oh-Sorry luv i got busy and forgot about lunch.."You whispered as you rubbed the back of your neck nervously. She sighed but gave you a smile sitting in the basket on the desk. "It's alright my darling, let's take a break now."
-You won't get past her, she will know.
-ANd when she finds out she will hunt you down and bring you food.
-She will talk and remind you to take breaks (Which you do to her as well)

Maddie:You were working on designs for three days straight. You haven't ate much besides a biscuit from Maddie every now and then. She gets concerned when you miss another tea party she goes to your dorm where she finds you hunched over your desk looking exhausted and drained."Teacup!" You couldn't help the way you jolted at her voice it was laced with concern. You turned to her as you rubbed your temples "Hey mads..I'm sorry for missing tea time angina.I got busy." You said quietly as you saw the pout evident across her face "You've been in here forever after!" She went to your desk and pulled her hat off pulling teas and biscuits out. "Mandatory tea time!"She took your design book and placed it in her hat, not giving it back till you ate.

-While might take it a while to notice as she usually gives you snacks when she does she gets concerned quickly.
-She'll take whatever is distracting you till you eat something.
-She will schedule more tea times for the next few weeks so she knows your eating.

Kitty:-She's always with you don't even have a chance at pulling anything.

Lizzy: You were honestly just overworking yourself. Your dad the big bad wolf had been on your back about you've been running everyday and training. Your sisters noticed but knew you were too stubborn to even talk to them. But when Lizzy took notice as you were late again to walk her to class like you always did she knew something was up.She immediately went to find you. "What in wonderland do you think your doing not attending tea time!?" She huffed but when she seen you looking off and staring at yourself in your mirror she went up to you and wrapped her hands around your waist."What are you staring at." Her voice soft as she could tell something was up. When you told her she immediately got upset in your behalf. "That's ridiculous! You are the future monarch of wonderland to rule my side!"
-Will go on a two hour speech of how she will deal with whoever made you feel this way
-Ask Maddie to bring sweets and tea
-Sits with you to make sure you eat at least twice.

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