Her friends find out you made her upset(Pt1)

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Raven:You and Raven got into an argument and stormed out of her dorm.The argument was over her being jealous of you hanging out with some other princess and Raven being jealous.And you told her she was being possessive.Raven took that to heart and imminently felt as if she was being evil and acting like her mom did towards her dad.She called some of her friends right away as she panicking thinking she was acting like her mom.As they went to comfort her they knew they had to talk to you.You were in the training room.When you felt someone's hand on your shoulder.You turned to be faced with most of the school rebels and royals.”Ummm did something happen.”You were genuinely confused and growing concerned not seeing Raven with them.”We need to talk.”You were shocked at the tone in the mad hatters daughter voice.”Umm ok let me finish real quick.”You were about to go finish when you saw a flash of red.”We need to now.”Cerise stood in front of you her voice the loudest it’s ever been.You started growing more nervous.But you took a seat as the huge group surrounded you.”We heard about the fight.”Briar looked at you with her hands on her hips.You cringed at the reminder of the words you said.”Look I’m working on an apology.”You couldn’t look any of them in the eye.”Y/n I know I wasn’t supportive at first and it’s took me a while but what you said really hurt Raven.I know you didn’t mean but she takes those comments to heart you need to go fix your true love.”You were shocked at Apples lecture.You stood up and nodded not saying a word as you imminently went to go apologize to her.Till this day that was one of the most nerve racking experience with your friends.

Ramona:It took alot to get her so upset that she cries but you both were in a heated argument about her never opening up to you.You told her you were leaving and for her to leave you alone.So when her sister got a call from her crying she knew something was really wrong.Ramona knew it was partly her fault and cerise helped her realized that but Cerise was going to talk to you hoping to help you calm down.You were in the enchanted forest trying to calm down so when you heard a branch snap you immediately pulled your sword out.”Hey! Hey it’s just me.''You saw the red hooded girl.”Oh.Hi cerise.''You put your sword up, turn away going to leave so you don't have to deal with another conversation.”Y/n I’m not here to say my sister didn’t do anything wrong which she did so please listen.”You turned to face her trying to keep your tears in check.You took a seat on a log and she came to join you.”I don’t know all the details but it looks like you both said things you didn't mean.But Ramona is extremely upset.”You hated the thought of Ramona being upset but you didn’t want to admit you overreacted.”Maybe it’s best.She never opens up to me.”You felt horrible for saying this to her sister.You looked up to see Cerise face but you couldn’t read her emotion so you were nervous.But she just let out a breath “Look me and my sister never open up it’s how we grew up.But she really does care for you.”She puts her hand on your shoulder.But her grip tightens “And I don’t like seeing her hurt so go and talk to her.”She gets up and nods.You let put a breath this was the first time Cerise ever scared you.

Cerise:(You could never your the mad hatters kid)

Maddie:You’ve been busy trying to work on your new designs for your mother to view.So you’ve been cutting Maddie off for a while as you get very focused on your work especially when you send it to your mother.Maddie was laying in her room pouting.All the wonderlandies  noticed Maddie being not herself and they were getting worried.”Mads what’s wrong?”Bunny asked her colorful friend.Maddie looked up and her bottom lip was out. “Teacup hasn’t talked to text me today and barely talked to me yesterday.''Maddie stated as Earl gray hugged her nose.''I wonder what's going on with them.”Alistar asked mostly to himself.''Well we’re going to find out! Bunny stay with Maddie.”Lizzy stated as she didn’t like seeing Maddie upset at all.Lizzy,Kitty,and Alistar stared there way to find a certain designer.”Look they’re over there!”Kitty pointed to the tired looking person sitting in the student lounge.You jumped up when someone hit the table.”Huh-what-who!”You looked up to see three very upset wonderlandies.You cleared your throat starting to get nervous just from their expression.”Umm-hi.Can I help you guys?”You tried to sound fine but your anxiety grew.They didn’t saw anything as Kitty grabbed your wrist  and telported you outside of her and Maddies room.''Hey! I was busy!”You were growing frustrated.”Well you can clear your secluded because you have a very upset mad hatter in there! That you need to fix!”LIzzy’s voice clearly scared you.But you tried standing your ground “My mother needs my designs soon and they have to- ''All of a sudden your sketchbook was pulled from your hands.”Frist you need to talk to Maddie and second you need a break.”Alistar said as he put your sketchbook in his satchel.”Now go before Lizzy’s temper gets the best and I try my new pranks on you.”Kitty had her smile on but her voice was threatening.The wonderlandies were usually fun and chaotic but the made you have a slight fear of making them mad.

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