Duchess Catchup

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How you met:Younger twin of Ashlynn.You didn't really care that much of happily ever afters since Ashlynn gets yours by birthright.You were sitting down by the fountain in front of the school scrolling through your mychapter.When you noticed a swan gliding on the water.You've always had a soft spot for animals probably all royals did."Hey there little one."You patted the swans head and to your surprise it leaned into your touch."Y/n!"You jumped from the voice and at the swans hiss towards the voice.You looked up to see your sister ashlynn."Hey ash."You smiled at her but noticed the swan's whole demour change."Who's this littl-DUCHESS!"You were taken back till the swan jump from your lap forming into the Duchess Swan daughter of the swan princess."Why hello there ashlynn."Your sister just glared.Duchess turned to you and patted your head "See you around y/n."She sent you a wink as she danced away.

How/Who confessed:You did.You've been hanging out with her more since your encounter.And she's really sweet and misunderstood in your opinion.You were sitting at the lake waiting for you her pacing back and forth as you were planning on confessing today."You got this y/n! I just got to tell one of the most graceful princesses I know that I have a crush on her! UGH! Why are words so hard!"You slide against the tree.Hitting your head against the tree letting out a sigh."Well that was one of the most awkward but adorable confessions i've seen."You jumped at the voice."Duchess! Don't sneak-YOU HEARD THAT!?"You hid your hands as your face was red as a crowned ruby.You felt her keel down beside you "Duh I was swimming towards you.And-i'm not good at this but I feel the same."She placed her hand on top of your giving you a genuine smile not many people get to see.


Yours-Mine 🙄 ❣️

Hers:Duckling 🦢 💗

When people find out your dating:You didn't hide it but a lot thought you were just around her because you felt bad.So when she kissed your cheek after one of her performances some were taken back."Umm-are you two-uh"Briar was trying to get out before Faybell jumped in "DATING!?"You laughed lightly as Duchess warped her arm around your waist."Took you all long enough."Duchess rolls her eyes."Y/n is she telling the truth?"You look to see your sister with an intrigued yet upset look.You gulp but nod "Yea we are."You look towards the ground quickly. "Hurt them Duchess and it wont end well."Ashlynn glared at your girlfriend before giving a normal smile.

She sees you cry:You hated when people would bring up you not being as important as your sister or you aren't even really a royal.You were sitting at the lake whipping your tears as you left your last class after hearing some first years bad mouth you and your legacy. "Babes? Where did yo-Are you alright?"Duchess 's voice went from annoyed to concerned."Oh-um yea! I'm fine!"You give her a smile but she can tell it's fake from your tear stained cheeks and red eyes."Wanna see my new routine?"She kisses your cheek as she gets up and puts some music on her mirror-pad.She isn;t good with words so she tries to get your mind off of whatever happened.

What you do for true hearts day:

The first one:You both had an argument over the whole thing but made up

The others

-You take her on a walk

-She talks you into dancing with her throughout the day

-Having a picnic at the enchanted lake

Your first serious argument:

It was on true hearts day you were out in bookend helping get party supplies for cupid.When you arrived back at the school you felt someone pull you into a hallway."Hey!"You turned ready to go off.When you saw your sister with a tear stained face behind her was Cedar and Hunter.Hunter was glaring at you and Cedar had a disappointed face."Wow what's wrong?"You hate the sight of your sister upset."Your girlfriend! Is threatening to post me and Hunter!"Ashlynn was letting some tears fall."What?!"You shouted."You didn't know?"Cedar asks you hesitantly.You shake your head feeling your hands shake with anger."I'll be back."You turn and head to the enchanted lake.On your way there you were thinking on how to approach this on one hand you wanted to ask her why she felt the need to do that but on the other you wanted to scream at her for it.You shake your head as the lake came into your view.You saw your girlfriend dancing around on the water with a smile usually you would smile and adore the sight but her being so happy even after what she done as you more upset then before."DUCHESS SWAN!"You shout she lets out a startled honk."Y/n! Don't do tha-"You cut her off "Why did you threaten ashlynn and hunters relationship!?"You glare at her.She looked shock at your outburst as you've never yelled at her."I-"She shook her head and scoffed "Duh so there's an opening for a happily ever after!"She states like it's the simplest thing ever.You felt your whole body shaking as your anger rose."So threatening my sister and our family legacies is about your happy ending?! I thought we agreed we would figure it out together!"You wiped your tears away."Y/n.."She took a step out of the lake but you backed away. "Come find me when you figure out which happy ever after you want."You turn and left.

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