My angel

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(This was requested! And please note The fairytale the readers from is About a guardian angel. This is not to be taken “offending” to anyone's religion.And I actually enjoyed writing this!)

Yandere Apple x Angel Reader

Insight:You are from the fairytale The angel.In your fairytale you are supposed to guide a child to Heaven.But you guide and care for him by stopping places that remind him of living.But since the child in your story isn’t in ever after yet Headmaster Assigned you to Faybell.As he told you she could use guidance and it would help you practice for your story so you agreed.You were just genuinely nice and caring perks of being an angel you guess.So you got along with everyone or at least tried to.You didn’t know you gained the attention of Apple White.Which became an obsession with you.She will do anything to have her angel with her.

Noones pov:You were hanging out with Faybelle at the bookball field as she just got down with her cheer performance.”That was amazing Fay!”You smiled at her.She rolled her eyes but they never were fully of annoyance towards you and you could always tell.”I know.Now let’s go you promised to buy me a coffee.”She grabbed your hand tugging you along.You laughed at her antics “Fay you do know why you're actually getting this coffee right?”You raised an eyebrow.She looked over at you huffed but nodded “Because I didn’t destroy anything or cause someone to have a breakdown.”She mumbled but you heard the slight pride in her voice when she mentioned the last part.You flicked her forehead “Hush now! Let’s-”You were cut off by they intercom coming on.”Y/n Angel and Faybelle Thorn to the headmasters office.”You heard Fay groan “I didn’t even do anything!”She glared up at speakers.You patted her shoulder “Look on the bright side he probably just wants to congratulate you on not getting detention this week.”You gave her a comforting smile and walked off to the headmasters office.Once you arrived something felt off to you but you shrugged it off just hoping faybelle wasn’t in any trouble.You knocked on the door “Come in.”You heard Headmaster Grim say.You opened the door and saw the headmaster with Briar Beauty and Apple white.You waved to both of the girls as they waved back.You looked over at Fay who’s cheeks were a dark blue as she started at Briar.You put your hand on her shoulder getting her attention back on track.Not noticing the glare being thrown at the interaction.”Hello headmaster! And Hello ladies.”You waved to them as Briar nodded her head but Apple waved back enthusiastically.You never minded the royals or the the rebels you got along with everyone that would allow you to.But Apple and you quickly became good friends you never minded you always that she was sweet and kind.”I would like to thank you frist on keeping Ms.Thorn here out of trouble this week.”You looked to see faybelle tensed and ball her fist up at the comment.”Well actually she stopped herself most of-”He cut you off “And with the amazing job you did I’m afraid we will be giving this job to Ms.Beauty as her majesty snow White as asked you to be story book bonded to Ms.White here.”He finished.”WHAT!!?”You and Faybelle exclaimed at the same time.”That is all I need from you Ms.Thorn.Ms.Beauty if you will.”Briar ran over and grabbed faybelles hand but faybelle wanted to say something as the door closed her off.”H-headmaster what about my story! Mine doesn't involve a princess or any kind of romantic love!”You exclaimed.”Well my love my mother says she will find another angle to take over your story so we can rule together.”Apple grabbed both of your hands with a love sick smile.Before you could say anything “Since that is settle you both have some  things to talk about goodbye your majesties.”Apple nodded before dragging you behind her.You were in a state of shock so you didn’t find yourself able to fight back.Once you reached Apples dorm you noticed all of Raven’s things gone replaced with items from your own room.You looked back to Apple “Apple you can’t do this! What about traditions you’ve always followed! I’m not a prince/princess! I have my own story!”You took a few steps back away from her as her smile was still innocent and love-sick.”My luv why have a plain prince or princess when I could have you! My angel! My perfect happily ever after.”You were  looking everywhere for even a slight chance of escape.As soon as your wings spread slightly a ruff tuck made you wince in pain.”That’s not very nice! You need to know I’m doing this for you! I’m doing it for us! For our happily ever after!”Her smile soon turned into a snarl “If you think i’m going to let you and all of that go you are sadly reading the wrong book!”Her smile taking it’s place back on her face and her hand slowly and softly moving towards the tip of your wing.All of a sudden you heard a snap you didn’t feel anything at frist in your state of shock but felt the tears running down your face.Apple quickly cupped your cheeks ''Shh shh it’s alright my angel.Just the other one so I know you won’t try and leave! It’ll be ok.”She put her hand to the opposite wing snapping it just like the frist.Your shock ended as yout quiet tears turned to agonzing sobs.Apple pulled you into her chest playing with your hair.”It’ll be ok Angel.Just give it time you’ll get used to it and you’ll get used to me.Since classes are over let’s take a nap hmm?”Once you didn’t answer her hold on you tighten and your wings tensed as it was a reflex but now it made you feel the pain over again.You quickly nodded your head.She smiled “Oh goody! Let’s go.”She lifted you slightly and laid you on her bed a slight whimper escaping your mouth.Apple kissed your forehead “Ill bandage them while you sleep.Close your eyes it’ll hurt less that way.Goodnight angel.”She kissed your forehead.Even tho you were trying to fight against the sleep the pain and emotional influence got to you.And soon found yourself slipping off to sleep with your new “fiance”.

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