They cheat (part 1)

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(Heavy Angst)

Raven:You were going to find Raven.She was suppose to met you for a date but she never showed.And she wasn’t answering any of your text.So you decided to go to her dorm to see if she was there and if she was ok.You finally made your way to her from.You've never knocked before so you walked in.It was your six month anniversary.So you bought her flowers and a new headphones.When you stepped in your dropped everything in your hands.You couldn’t and didn’t want to believe what was in front of you.It was Raven kissing Dexter Charming.You didn’t see no hesitation in her body language.”Raven..”Her name made your eyes sting with tears and your stomach feel horrid.She pushed Dexter off “Dove!! It’s not what it looks like!”She made her way over to you.Tears were streaming down her face “Raven..I saw everything..don’t lie to me no more..Please just tell me the truth!”Your vision was foggy from the tears.And you felt your knees shake as if they were going to give out.”Y/n! I’m so sorry it didn’t mean to happen!”Dexter said from behind Raven.Raven pulled you into a hug “Please! I’m so sorry, dove!”Her voice cracked from the tears in her eyes and lump in her throat. You pulled yourself away from her embrace.The same one that made you feel loved and comfort.”I wasn’t enough was I..Raven you might not be evil but this is damn near close!”You shout at her as she flinches from your tone raising.”Y/n please!”She was pleading with you.”This is an amazing six month gift Raven and it’s our last.Goodbye Raven Queen.”You turned and ran not looking back at her calling your name.”Dexter..I messed up..”She looked over to the prince as she slid herself against the wall.”Raven..”Her eyes glowing slightly “I think you should leave Dexter..”She told the prince who gave her a sad and guilty look.”I’m just like my mom..”She gave in and completely broke down.

Ramona:You were going to Ramonas dorm to surprise her she was being different lately and you wanted to make sure she was ok.As you made your way closer something in your hut was saying somethings it's what your dad called a pirates gut.You ignored even if it was never wrong before.You finally made it in front of her dorm.Everything in you was telling you to leave or you’ll get hurt.But you shook it off wanting to check on your girlfriend.As you opened the door you didn’t expect to see your girlfriend making out with her roommate Justin Dancer.”What the fuck!”You shout as the she-wolf pushes the brunette off.”Y/n! H-hey babe.”You knew she was going to try and convince you to stay.”Don’t babe me! You were just making out with your roommate!”You glared at the two as guilty looks flash in both their eyes.”Y/n I-”You cut Justine off as you drew your sword.”I don’t want to hear it from you.”She immediately closes her mouth.You point the edge towards Ramona “Speak you have 5 minutes.”You were trying to stop yourself from crying.But you felt the tears swell up more.”Y/n please I’m sorry it was a one time thing! I swear!”She starts stepping closer to you.You don’t know why-yes you do you dropped your sword as you glared at the she-wolf.”Stay r-right there Badwolf!”You hated how your voice cracked.”Y/n please we can talk this out..”You saw something you’ve only ever seen a handful Ramona crying.”No we can’ dad was right..pirates don’t need distractions..And I guess you were mine.”You couldn’t help but let your tears fall.”Y/n you can stay! Don’t do this please!”Ramona was almost near you when you glared at her which got her off guard you never have done that.”I’ll be leaving..don’t talk to me..don’t even say my name.We’re done.”You turned around and slammed the door.”Y/n..UGH!”Justine saw Ramona's eyes turn yellow and her claws extended.She made her way out of the room feeling guilty for what was partly her fault.In the room Ramona was throwing and destroying anything she could.She hit her head against the wall as she sat down.”I’m such an idiot.”She let more tears roll down her face full of regret.

Cerise:You were walking in the forest going to find cerise.She told you to met her in the enchanted forest after your classes.You were hopping as you were full of excitement.”Little red!!”You called out looking over  bushes and behind trees.You pouted your lip “Humph! Where is she! It’s almost tea time!”You continued looking as you heard rustling behind a bush.Your smile grew as you thought your red hooded girlfriend would be there.And sure enough she was.But your eyes widen at the sight of her kissing Daring (I’m sorry cerise would never do this but it’s just for the book! You’ll guys make up in a few chapters!)You dropped your teacup you were sipping on.”Cerise..”Your voice sounded so sad nobody has ever heard it from you.”Y/n!”Her head looked toward you.You started sniffling “So..does this mean we’re done..”You tried to sound happy for her and un bothered but you were lying to yourself.”Y/n luv please listen..”She made her way over to you.You wanted nothing more then to run to her and hug her.BUt your mind was racing a thousand miles per minute.”If you want to reverse time fine the one you want at the finish line.”You mumble towards her.She realize you were saying if she wanted to fix this show you.And with that you walked off ignore the quiet sniffles from her.She turned to daring “Why did you do that! You know I was with them!”She yelled at the now guilty prince.

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