You hurt yourself(TW)

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(TW self harm if it makes you uncomfortable please skip chapter!)

Raven:You and apple had a really big fight.She even brought up your guys mom and how you failed the family.You ran to your dorm and locked the door hoping your roommate wouldn’t be back anytime soon.You didn’t know what to do or how to stop the feeling so you started scratching your skin.You didn’t realize how hard you were actually doing it.All of a sudden you door flies open.You look up to see a very worried Raven.You quickly try to hide your arms.”Dove are you-”You look up to see horror and concern in her eyes.She quickly is by your side.”Y/n why the hex! Come on I need to bandage you up.”She picks you up bridal style and takes you to your bed.She was bandging you up but you still refused to speak.”Dove?Talk to me.”She cups your cheek.You start silently crying “Raven I’m just not good enough!”You shout.She was taken back and anger that apple made you think this.You look at her “I’m not good enough for my sister.mother,or even you.”You look away not wanting to face her.She quickly cups your cheek “Don’t say that! You're amazing! You're perfect! Your family is blind.I love you and everything about you.I don’t want the one I love hurting themself.”She pulls you into a hug.She starts humming a song to you and playing with your hair.You eventually fall asleep.A few days go by and she’s always by your side not letting apple near you.Still very upset at her.She is always there just in case she doesn't want you hurting yourself.

Ramona:You have a bad habit of hiding your emotions.So today it was too much.First off you got in a fight with daring,then detention,and finally you just ran off from Ramona.You ran into the forest not really thinking of anything you just wanted to be alone.(TW) You took a miniature dagger you father had given you before you left.”Just once..”You closed your eyes and held your breath.After the blade left your skin you hissed but it left within an instant.”Just a few more..”You repeated it over and over till you look down and saw your whole upper arm red.You slid yourself onto the tree.”Dame it!”You threw your dagger to the ground.”Y/n! What the hell!”Your neck snapped to your left.You saw the one person you didn’t want to.Ramona.You quickly pulled your sleeve down.”I-umm”Before you could react she was carrying you.”Why!?”She shouts at you.You just look to the ground scared of her reaction.(Timeskip) “Thank god Justin is out tonight.”You heard her mumble.She puts you on her bed and walks off to go get bandages.”Dame it! She’s going to leave! Why was I so stupid!”You start mumbling to yourself.A habit you picked up for when you're extremely upset.You felt a hand on your shoulder.”Hey..listen to me yes what you did was stupid but I’m not going to leave you.”Your breath started slowing as you heard her words.”This is going to sting like hell.”She warns you as she puts the medicine on your arm.You hiss in pain.”I know.I’m almost done.”She tries to comfort you.After she bandages you up.”Is it my fault?”Your heart almost broke when you heard those words.”No! No it’s my fault..I was being impulsive and stupid..I-”You get cut off by a kiss.”We will talk about this in the morning.Your exhausted.I love you.”She pulls you into a cuddle session being more gentle then usually.”I love you to Ramons.”You whisper as you drift off to sleep.

Cerise:You’ve been feeling off for a few days.But you didn’t want to worry anyone so you kept your usually smile on your face.You were making some tea when you went to grab the kettle.And it burned your hand.”Oh peas and crackers!”You pouted.But for some reason you found yourself touching the kettle again.You felt it blistering your skin.But you couldn’t bring yourself to pull away from it.”Y/n!”You immediately ripped your hand away from the kettle.You looked back to cerise with a face laced with concern.”Oh sorry little red! I spaced out!” It wasn’t really a lie but you didn’t want to worry her.”I was standing there the frist time i heard you scream.”She made her way up to you.You felt your breathing stop.”Cer-”She pulled you into a hug.”It’s all right luv.Let’s go get you bandage up.”She lead you away.She stayed with you for a while after that.

Apple:You parents were being so overbearing here lately.Signing you up for lessons without even talking to you.Expecting so much from you.And you were getting tired.You started feeling numb and overworked.You couldn’t feel anything.You were practicing on some dummies. When you lost your footing.”UGH!”You laid against the wall.Your whole body was feeling numb.You eyed the edge of your sword.”No!”You whisper shouted to yourself.Just once! You tried ignoring your brain but you couldn’t.(TW)You carefully take the edge of your sword across your arm.You hissed in pain but kept going as your body was feeling something.”Y/n!”You looked up as you heard a familiar voice but your vision was blurred by your tears.”Apple..”Everything went black.(Timeskip)You groan as you sat up.You imminently hissed as you felt a slight burn on your arm.You looked down to see your arm bandage.You felt someone wrapped around you.You looked down to see Apple she looked tired.she shifted awake.Her eyes widen when she saw you were sitting up.”Y/n!”She pulled you closer.She pulled back with a face of sadness and anger “What in fairy godmother where you thinking!”She shouts as tears are running down her face.”Apple..”She pulled you into a kiss.”We are going to have a long talk after this but I just want to hold you.”She pulled you back down to the bed.

Maddie:Duchess wouldn’t leave you alone here lately.Her comments and actions  getting more aggressive. You didn’t want to worry anyone so you kept quiet.But she made a comment about how you should go and wreck a car like you mom did in the original story.(I love Duchess so much! She’ll be getting a catch up along with other characters so be ready!!)You were sitting in your dorm sewing when you pricked your finger with the needle.”Ow!”You winced at the feeling.But notice it took your mind off Duchess.(Tw) Your hands were shaking and your mind yelling no but you were running on impulse.You took the needle lightly across your skin noticing all it left was a little white line.You didn’t get the same feeling you got earlier so you did it harder and you noticed a line of blood.You repeated it a few times not noticing the door opening.”Teacup! You missed tea time!”Your eyes widened when you heard your girlfriend.You quickly tried to hide your arm.But it was too late as you saw your arm was slightly covered in blood.”Maddie! I’m fine!”You tried getting her to look away.It pained you to see her looking so sad.She ran up to you and pulled you into a hug and into her lap.Taking her hat off and pulling out some bandages.”We are having a mandatory tea party! You cant say no!”She said determined while bandaging you up.She gave you a peck on the lips and earl gray jumped out her hat to hug you.Maddie was more affectionate for a bit.

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