chapter forty nine.

Start from the beginning

I felt incredibly guilty for waking Harry up so early, especially considering that by the time he got back, Ivy was up and ready to party.

He didn't complain though, and instead let me sleep for a few more hours while he kept Ivy busy. I truly don't know how I got so lucky. I thank the heavens for him every second of every day.

He's Golden.

"Mama, it's your turn!" Ivy says from the kitchen, snapping me out of my thoughts. I shoot my head up and am met with Harry hovering over me, a concerned look on his face.

Harry looks over his shoulder to Ivy, "Give mumma a minute, okay? Baby brother is making her feel poorly."

I roll my head along my shoulders as a bout of nausea runs through me, watching Ivy nod at Harry before going back to her coloring sheet.

"Are you okay? You kind of zoned out for a second there." He says softly, turning his attention back to me. I smile and nod, cupping the side of his face with my hand.

"I'm okay." I say, biting my lip. "Was just thinking about how grateful I am for you."

Harry smiles and grasps my wrist, pulling my hand off his face. "Love you." He looks down at my palm and kisses it, "Still feeling sick?"

I let out a long breath and nod, "Yeah. He's sitting pretty high up today, which is just making it all worse."

I pull my hand back and run my fingers along the top of my belly pushing down in attempt to relieve some of the pressure. To no avail though, it doesn't help. Our son is stubborn just like his daddy. Once he's found a spot he's comfy in, he doesn't move for quite awhile.

"M' sorry." Harry smiles sadly, "Is there anything I can do?"

I shake my head, "I'll be okay. Though, a little bit of fresh air would be nice."

"Want to go check the mail and take a little walk around the property? We didn't check it yesterday because it was raining." He says softly. I nod, slowly sitting up with Harry's help.

He comes around the couch and stands in front of me, holding out his hands. I roll my eyes and take his hands in mine, allowing him to gently pull me up off the couch.

I can get up off the couch myself, Harry just insists on helping me any moment he can. He quote on quote 'doesn't want me lifting a finger.'

Harry grabs Ivy and I's shoes, helping us slip them on before slipping his vans on, not bothering to put his feet in all the way.

"Is that not uncomfortable?" I scrunch my nose at his feet hanging off the heel of his vans.

He shakes his head, opening the door for Ivy and I, "I'm used to it. It doesn't bother me at all."

I glance down at his shoes again and he chuckles, pulling me in front of him and guiding me out the door, "Stop giving my run down shoes that disgusted look and walk your cute little ass out of this house."

I giggle and step out, waiting for Harry to walk out and shut the door. Once he does, he takes Ivy and I's hands and we walk down to the mailbox.

He digs out all the mail and hands me a package with my name on it. I take it from him, confused at first because I don't remember ordering anything. I then look at the return address and gasp excitedly.

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