🎵Just a small town girl... living in a lonely world🎵

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For my whole life, I've been considered a bit of a weirdo, as they call me. I've been called most of the names, I think. Weirdo, sphyco, idiot, retard, freak, you name it. Personally, I never really saw a problem with it. In fact, I kinda liked it when they called me those things. To me, I guess it was all about being free and being a non conformist. As cringe and punk as that sounds, who actually cares.

That's not to say it didn't affect me. It used to get to me and still does but I've grown a thick skin. But those school kids were nothing compared to certain members of my family. Its a bit too early into my story to trauma dump just yet but let's just say things got to a point where I wanted to move far away. So I cut off contact with certain members who I found to be toxic and moved to this small town in northern Wiscosin.

I had just taken a long ride to the place known as 'Nel mezzo del nulla'. Sounds italian, but then again America was kinda built mostly by the Italians that moved here.

I was strutting down the sidewalk, music blasting in my headphones, and a suitcase in hand. I was using Google maps on my phone to locate the new apartment I was moving to. I had never really been in small town America. Specifically these kinds of small towns. It was a bit dusty and run down, but I say that just added to it's character I guess.

After a good fifteen minutes, I finally arrived at the small complex of apartments. It looked a bit old, but oh well, at least the rent is cheap. I entered the front door and into the lobby. It was pretty bare bones. I turn to see a door, with a sighn hanging from it stating,'Please be quiet between hours of 5pm-9am'.

I naturally assumed this was the land Lords apartment, so I knocked on it and waited. Not too long after, an old woman opened it holding a cigarette, in her pyjamas, and with rollers in her hair. "Hello?" She said in a deep, raspy voice.

"Um... Hi! I'm (Y/N)(L/N). I.. err..  I'm the new... err... tenant here, I believe?" I said, stumbling over my words as per usual when meeting new folks.

"Yeah, I recognise the name. Wait here a sec while I grab ya key." She said as she turned and shut the door. My new landlady spoke with a southern accent and a bit of tiredness in her voice. It's a kind of idgaf and "I'm too old for this shit" attitude.

Moments later, she opened the door and handed the key over to me. "The room is on the third floor. We don't allow pets or 'plus ones'. Bye." She said abruptly before slamming the door in my face.

I stood there for a moment before I lugged my suitcase up to the third floor where I would now be living. I opened the door to be greeted with a pretty musty apparent. A small bedroom, a bathroom, and a living room/ kitchen. Sure, there were a few cracks here and there, a bit of mould and water stains all over the ceiling and walls, but who cares! It's my own space!

I lay down on my new bed, staring up at the ceiling. This is my new life. This is where I start. Give myself enough time in this dusty hole, and I'll become the star I was always meant to be.

I spent the next hour unpacking all of my stuff and putting it where I wanted it to be. I only bought a suitcase of stuff with me, so it didn't take me too long. The rest of my stuff should be arriving in a few days (I asked my Dad to send it to me in boxes through the post).

After all of that, I set out to go explore the local town. Walking down the street. My headphones and I against the world! I ended up at this local diner and decided to sit down. I thought that since me moveing was a special occasion I'd treat myself.

While I sat down and looked at the menu, I noticed a couple of booths down from me were some odd looking fellas. Well, only one of them looked odd. The other two looked like average dudes. But this particular young lad stood out due to the large gash on the side of his cheek revealing his teeth and gums. I didn't want to be rude so I didn't stair for too long.

Eventually a waitress took my order (fluffy pancakes and a pint of diet cola). I scraned the whole thing down within ten minutes, give or take, paid, then want on my way. I kept wandering through the town, locating local shops and cafes.

17:37, it was starting to dim a bit. To stay safe, I started making my way back to my BRAND NEW APPARTMENT and settled down. On my way back, I walked past the same gaggle of guys I saw at the diner. The one with the side burns and mustard/tann jacket gave me a quick smile and sorta wave as they walked past. I did the same back as it was only polite.

I managed to make it back to my apartment in time before it got dark. I managed to stay quiet as I entered the musty old place.

After a quick shower I dried myself off and went streight to bed. I'm a 'natural' sleeper, as they call it, and didn't bother putting on pajamas. Besides it was hot in my room. Intact I was starting to sweat under the sheets.

I eventually noticed there was no air conditioning in this damn place and yet the radiators were on full blast. So I ended up opening all my windows to let the breeze in because like hell am I going to make my new home the interior of the brazen bull. Once it cooled down to my satisfaction, I climbed into bed and held on tightly to my hellokitty plush. (So what? I'm an adult who owns plushies. There's no shame in that.)

I slept sound enough until something strange happened.

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