9. Good Boy

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⚠️⚠️Warning! Warning! This is an Omegaverse, and wolves are horny creatures. So move away if you are not comfortable to see some wild action.🫣

The Alpha and Omega on the screen were half-naked. The Alpha seemed to be the fittest with his six-pack and must be a model for a Greek god, not Kao's type though. And the Omega seemed to have been taking extra care of himself with the right amount of bone and muscles highlighting all his curves and nooks. Kao felt jealous of him, only if he was that good, he could not have lost his first love. 

Kao was trying to think about anything but what was going on the screen. He is trying hard not to concentrate, to look away, to preoccupy himself. But when the Alpha's hand slipped into the front of Omega's trousers and Omega bent his back, moaning in mere pleasure, Kao felt a high urge to twist. His pheromones were everywhere but he hoped at least he wouldn't get hard and wet. 

Pete was not helping even the slightest. His hands were lighting stroking Kao's waist. Kao jumped when he felt Pete's lips feathering over his ears... "You still have my bite marks from last time... " Pete murmured looking at Kao's shoulder... "Do you still feel the irritation from the burn? I didn't see you taking the pain killer today"

The omega on the screen had his eyes half closed and his mouth wide open breathing through it, while Alpha has the Omega's member in his hand treating it like dough.

"Ummm... Ya, I don't feel any inconvenience any more but I am sleepy. I think I should go get some shut eye" Kao requested.

"Uuuuhh.. Haanmmmhh...." Kao's request was followed by sultry noises from the speaker. 

Pete immediately looked disappointed... "Is it? Can't you hold on till we head back home? we just started watching this"

"I know but..." Kao hesitated. The gaps in their conversation were filled by kissing sounds from  the actors on screen. Kao could see how the tongues were rolling on each other and wetting the faces.

"Then how about you fall asleep here, if you won't wake up before the movie ends I will carry you to your room." Pete suggested

Kao huffed. Overwhelmed by Pete's touch and smell more than the sounds and visuals infront of him he blurted out honestly..."No I mean, I... I just don't think I can watch anything like this with you in the room"

Sudden smirk crossed Pete's face... "That's too bad. I was hoping to teach you how to beg today"

" please do" Kao blurted and caught his mouth. 

Pete laughed "Are you that eager?" 

" No, I just meant if you want to, I am okay. I wont stop you" 

"Is that why you keep asking me if you still smell?" 

Kao kept silent.

Pete pushed Kao down in a swift, he got on top of Kao... "Look at you already learning!" Pete smiled... "Not the drunk college guy who bumped into me on the street anymore. How about you try asking me the same thing you asked me that night"

Kao started sweating all over... He gulped before speaking... "Please fuck me!"

"tsk...." Pete tsked... "You can do better, show some improvement"

Kao thought for a few seconds, he could feel himself feeling desperate to impress Pete. 

"I will be your good boy Sir, Could you do me the favor of fucking me?" Kao could feel his body getting hotter with every word he uttered. 

Pete's smile got wider making Kao's stomach flutter like a butterfly... "Good, You are indeed a good boy" Pete complimented brushing up hair from Kao's forehead and kissing it . "But we have to go home later, Ara will be disappointed if she sees you sick again this week"

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