1. The chains

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A/N: Welcome my dear readers,  As i promised, here I am with a new story. I will be uploading this every Saturday along with Cherry Magic Thailand Episodes. If you haven't watched the first Episode yet you should, coz it's just... MAGIC. Even the OST is so damn cute, so don't forget to check it out people...!!! Now, I am going to directly dive into the story and you will get to know the characters as you read on, I hope you will enjoy this story well. I am not sure how long or how short this story is going to be, but if you are my regular readers then you know you gotta be patient with me. So Thank you so damn much in advance.

Warning: This is a story with a considerable amount of smut so please proceed at your own risk. (This is a smut chapter too!!!)

The chains clinked as they were being pulled in every way by drunk Kao. He was not opposing the idea of being tied he is just devastated that he is not able to use his hands. Because the guy he just stumbled into on the street few minutes ago as he walked unstably is now infront of him half naked looking like the newly released, curved and shining bugatti bike.

Pete eyed naked Kao head to toy, who is half heartedly struggling with the chains that are restraining him.

"Looks like you maintain yourself well, What's your name?" Pete asked in his dominant voice

Kao calmly looked at Pete.... "Why do you want to know my name?"

"Well, it's not every day that some drunk college guy bumps into me on the footpath begging me to fuck him..." Pete shrugged

"You can call me some drunk college guy then...." Kao replied unbothered

Pete smirked

"You really should not talk to me like that if you want to get out of here in one piece....." Pete suggested

"Who said I want to stay in one piece" Kao answered back

A very hard slap landed on Kao's right cheek. Strangely it made Kao feel challenged.

"You see, I have very thin patience" Pete stated in Kao's ears..."And I don't like my boys questioning me back...." Kao's face has turned very red and he slightly nodded.

Pete held Kao's face just right above his jaw and squeezed that Kao felt it difficult not to flinch..... "Now, What did you say your name was again?"

"K..Kao...." Kao slowly replied

Pete nodded and patted the bruised cheek lightly..... "Kao, I am a powerful man who likes leaving deep marks on boys like you.... So, if you think you will regret seeing this fair body of yours all bruised, You should ask me to stop now, this is your last chance...." Pete's hands were lightly running up and down Kao's left thigh

Kao shook his head

"Do you want to stop now?" Pete asked again as he now held that thigh and gripped the muscle there hard

Kao's face frowned.... "No.. No Sir..."

Pete's eyes went wide, his hands now flew on to Kao's neck gripping it equally tight.... "What did you just call me?"

"Sir..." Kao repeated

"What did you just call me....?" Pete double uped

"Sir!!!" Kao said louder

Pete smiled and climbed on to Kao, pressing Kao down into the bed.

Kao looked up at Pete in surprise, anticipation and fear

Pete lowered himself without breaking eye contact with Kao and licked up the cheek he just slapped

Kao's eyes closed involuntarily and he let out a peaceful breath

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