6. Pink Friend

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Kao's eyelids felt too damn heavy when he tried to open them, He could feel that he was well-rested and that it was late morning but it took him a whole minute to manage and open his eyes halfway. He moaned in frustration as he was not able to get to the other halfway.

"Kao, Are you up?" Kao immediately heard the voice and he could feel a soft touch on his arm... "I am really sorry, Seriously, How are you feeling now?"

"Pete?" Kao wondered as he tried to locate the voice... " What time is it?"

" Umm.. It's past noon" Pete answered checking the wall clock

"HAAN.. aaaa" Kao tried to get up but pangs of pains all over his body pushed him back on to the bed.

" Take it easy, Will you? You need rest" Pete said in a soothing voice

" No, it's bearable, I need to get going, Have classes in the afternoon" Kao said slowly sitting up this time

Pete let out a heavy sigh..." You are really something, How big a masochist you have to be to torture yourself like this?, You should have told me to stop if you were burning that badly, Do you even know how you look right now, Your skin is all red, You kept moaning in pain, I gave you four asprins and three cold body wipes, now you think its bearable... Haan?"

Kao looked up at Pete with a guilty face... " It's not about bearing, you have no idea how good you feel to me, Omegas like us have zero control over our body around Alphas like you, Even now, Just you scolding me is making me feel..." Kao stopped, blushing, though it cant be seen as he was red from all the burning he took the previous night.

Pete shook his head, he could say that if it was not for the asprins Kao would never talk those things out loud.

Pete sat on the bed side and placed his hand lightly on Kao's ankle... " I know, I know, and I am really sorry that i was being an animal and didn't notice how much pain you were in, Please don't do this again, Just tell me if you are suffering, I promise i will stop, okay? For now, I will take care of you till you recover, You can't go anywhere anyway with my stink all over you like this"

" Why do you guys keep calling it stink? You smells so good" Kao's tone was complaining

" Well... to you, I am sure" Pete smiled

" But I can't stay here, I should go back to my place, What if Tara sees me?" Kao wondered in a weak voice

Pete didn't answer, he turned to the door frowning and true to his doubt Tara ran in with fast and small steps... " Daddy!!!". Followed by her nanny who was panting.

Pete bent smiling and took her into his lap asking sweetly... " Ara! Why are you not at school?"

Tara shrugged her little shoulders... "Nanny came to pick me up, So I came home"

Pete looked at the nanny ordering her to explain with his eyes.

" Her school called to pick her up. There was a fire in a nearby building so they were evacuating the area for everyone's safety" Nanny explained without looking up.

Pete nodded and Nanny retreated from the room. 

"But Dada who is this? " Tara asked pointing her little finger at Kao who was sitting up on the bed

"Oh, He is a friend of mine" Pete answered without hesitating... "He is a bit sick and he lives alone in the city,  I brought him here so he can recover faster, say hello, His name is Kao"

"Hello P'Kao, Is your skin pink since you are sick?" Tara asked innocently

Kao smiled at her and cheered "Hi Tara!" and then kept quiet not knowing how to answer her.

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