2. The Stink

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Kao entered the dining room and looked around , confused and unsure. 

"Good Morning" Pete's voice came from the far end... "You look dissapointed!" Pete stated smiling... "Is it because you were unfastened when you woke up?" He mocked Kao.

The smile seamed like a smirk to Kao. First anger and then helplessness crossed his face. 

"Could you show me the way out?, I am lost" Kao said trying to stay calm

"Sure, But first why don't you have something?" Pete said pointing to a big assortment of breakfast on his table...."You look drained and hungry"

"Thank you, but I don't generally eat breakfast" Kao refused shaking his head

"That's a bad habit, You should change that" Pete's voice got deeper... "You can have something light, Take your pick"

Kao looked at the table full of dishes and his stomach growled. Though he was not sure if he can digest eating with a stranger who dominated him the whole night, he was left with no choice... He took a seat and served himself some hot porridge

"Good, that should cure your hangover" Pete agreed with Kao's choice but Kao didn't respond , he silently ate his breakfast. 

"Is Ara up yet?" Pete asked a house help when she came to place another dish on the table. 

"No, Sir, She seems to be tired from all the travel" The help responded politely.

Pete nodded his head... "You can let her sleep for now then, Just leave some breakfast by her bedside"

The help nodded and left the room. And just then Kao put down his spoon and turned to Pete. 

Pete smilled at Kao... "That's the way, That door will lead you out of the building" 

Kao stood and started in the direction Pete pointed but Pete called for him.."Kao!"

Kao turned and looked at Pete questioningly... "You were great last night!" Kao looked down as if he was dissapointed in himself but Pete continued... "If you want a diversion again sometime, You can come find me"

Kao blankly faced Pete... "I am sorry for last night and Thank you for taking me in"

Pete smilled... "Any time!"

Kao then calmly left the room in the direction Pete mentioned and found his way out. 

Just as Kao exited the mansion, a car stopped infront of him and the driver rolled down the window. 

"Please get in Sir, I will drop you wherever you want to go" The driver  requested Kao.

"No, It's okay, I can go on my own" Kao polietly denied.

"Plese sir, Let me do my job, This is what Mr.Pete ordered me to do" The driver pleaded, Kao sighed and got into the car. 

Once he has given the directions to his condo, Kao asked the driver.... "Why are you working for a dominating Boss like that? If you are so scared why don't you find a job somewhere else"

"What!" the driver laughed... "I am not scared because my boss is dominating"

"Then?" Kao frowned

"I am scared because he is kind, He treats his employees like his family, Despite being so powerful, he never showed his arrogance, I have been working for him for almost 20 years now, I saw him grow up, He is even paying my daughters college fees, Which is why I am scared that I might dissapoint him, I do my best so I don't let him down" The driver explained

Kao's frown only deepened. But he didn't ask any further questions and just got off at his place after thanking the driver.   It was a Sunday Morning and he hated the fact that he didn't have much to do, he headed to nearest super market, bought a crate of beers and drank himself away the whole day just like he has been doing for the previous few days. 

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