Chapter 77: Family

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"You must really not have been paying attention - I don't need weapons to kill people. Not only do I have magic, I have my hands. And to top it off, I don't think you understand just how strong my jaw is from eating my fellow man."

Ozpin ignored the threat, watching as the First Yin tried to help his father and uncle with carrying Grimm Demise, the headmaster plucking Misery from the wall. "Now that that's taken care of, everyone follow me. Miss Raven, Vao? You will stay here."

"Fuck no!" The First Yin snapped. "You heard him, Oz! He'll just use his hands! If we leave her here, he's going to kill her!"

Ozpin pointed at a security camera in the corner. "We'll be watching, if anything happens. But I think this is the best course of action."

"I think you're a fucking idiot," Qrow muttered. Tai nodded, though he wasn't as vulgar as his former brother-in-law.

"Y... Yeah. Oz, this sounds like a really, really bad idea..."

Ozpin gave them a reassuring smile. "I admit, it's a big gamble. If we still aren't certain, then perhaps we should ask them how they feel-"

"Only one of us is leaving this room alive," the First Vao growled angrily.

Ozpin took off his glasses and rubbed his face. "Vao, do you have to make this so difficult? Raven, what are your thoughts?"

Raven was silent. All eyes turned to her, the majority praying she'd deny being alone with the First Vao after everything he had said, and everything he had done. Her lips parted, trembling as she gave them her answer.

"I-I... I'd l-like to..."

The First Yin's face fell. "No, Raven! Don't be stupid! Use your head, he's going to kill you whether we're watching or not!" He struggled as Ozpin and a reluctant Summer took him by the arms, pulling him towards the elevator. "Raven! RAVEN!"

The elevator doors slid shut, leaving the First Vao and his mother alone in the office. The air was dead silent, with the only noise being the constant drone of the gears beneath their feet ticking away like a maddening lullaby. And then there was the creak of a chair. The First Vao had sat down.

Raven's hands fumbled across the floor in search of her own chair, her fingers brushing against the wood. Feeling for the desk, she sat it upright and took her seat, fidgeting nervously. She didn't need eyes to know the First Vao was glaring at her. She didn't need eyes to see just how much he despised her.

She had long dreamed of the chance to sit in front of him and talk. Even after he lied to her just so he could get his hands on the Relic of Knowledge, even after he brutally mutilated her face and left her for dead, she still held the hope she'd one day have this chance. And now it was here. But she didn't know how to break the ice. She didn't know how to talk to him. She decided to try her best.

"V-Vao... I missed you..."

"I didn't."

She flinched. His words were like fire. She tried again. "I-"

"You wot? You're sorry?" He interrupted her coldly. "I already know wot you'll say. 'Vao, I'm sorry for leaving you all those years'. Don't lie to me. If you genuinely cared, you wouldn't have let Auntie tear my eye out."

Raven flinched again, but this time she stood up for herself. "Th-the Blood... I-I couldn't..."

The First Vao scoffed, tracing the rim of his mug, feeling the hot steam. "... A strong emotional shock to break it for a moment, right?" He rasped. Raven froze, her son's voice echoing in her ears. "If so... Wot was stopping you from telling me yourself? That you were my mother?"

The Bird and the Garden 3: The Final AdventureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang