"Thanks bro. I knew I could count on you," I replied instead and clapped Wally on the shoulder as I passed by him.

I was already by the doors and trying to get them open when Wally decided to shout after me. "You owe me for this!" he joked before running to protect Zatanna and Asteria.

It wasn't long before Bruce was beside me as I finally got the metal doors to slide open. "Let's go find my son," Bruce said as we rushed out of the hallways.

"With pleasure." Words I never thought I'd say. But I wasn't doing this just for me. It wasn't just for Bruce either. It was also for Asteria.

I didn't know where we were headed, I just hoped Bruce knew what he was doing. But he usually did, so I followed close behind him like I used to do when I was a lot younger. Even after all these years, I still had complete trust in him. Finally, we ran into a few Shadows. I was happy to jump into some action, but Bruce was on a rampage. He took all of them down before I could even make a move. He was definitely pissed. He left one conscious, only to scare the poor sucker to death.

"My son! Where did Dusan take my son?" Bruce asked in his scary Batman voice, lifting the poor shaking man by the collar of his shirt. I stood a few paces back, quietly watching. No matter how many years I got to see it, I could never stop being slightly disturbed by the scary side of Bruce .

Apparently neither could the bad guys. Bruce had the man, a fully trained assassin, shaking within seconds. He happily pointed out the directions for where the ceremony was taking place. Apparently, Dusan didn't have a problem rushing things when he heard about the explosion. Instead of running away, they were still trying to bring Ra's back to life. Had to give the guy credits for not giving up.

I was running after Bruce again, barely able to keep up. I knew it wasn't because I was slow. It was because Bruce was desperate to get to Damian, and that made a big difference. We stopped at the foot of giant double doors, and this time Bruce did need my help in pushing them open. We both froze when we got inside. It looked like we were really late for the party.

Torches and candles were lit all over the spacious room. Damian was on a funny looking table in the middle of the place, surrounded by creepy people in hooded robes. What was a bit whelming was the number of Shadows in the room. There were probably more than hundreds, perched above us on the beams holding up the ceiling and standing ready by the door. Dusan smiled and stood from where he sat near Damian's unconscious form.

"Welcome Batman. You're just in time for the show," Dusan greeted. "Nothing is going to stop us from bringing my father back."

"I'm going to have to disagree," Bruce replied. "We're here to cancel the show."

Dusan laughed, the sound echoing all around us. It made his soldiers stand taller, getting ready for the signal to attack. "You can try," said their master, and it was enough. They all moved towards me and Bruce.

I got into a fighting stance, much like Bruce. Forwning, I turned towards my mentor. "I hope you have a plan, because we aren't beating all of these guys alone and getting to Damian in time," I finally told him as the Shadows continued to advance menacingly towards us.

"I do," Bruce admitted. "He's called Superman." With those words, he pressed the bat symbol on his utility belt, making it blink in a red color repeatedly.

"Uh-huh," I mumbled. "Great plan," I said and took out the first three Shadows who came at me. So far, there was no sign of the Man of Steel. And then a boom sounded throughout the building, and I thought another explosion took place. Luckily, I regained my balance before a Shadow could cut my head off.

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