The Camp (Survivor)

Start from the beginning

"There's something I should tell you." He admitted, staring at the ground.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Well...I...Thought..." He tried to get the words out. "I gave you the potion at the forest, I thought you were an infected at the carnival because it was me, Willow made me do it, I'm sorry." The words came out all at once. I stood there, for a moment, not quite believing it, but also dumfounded.

"What?" I asked.

"I tried to infect you at the camp." Pony whispered. "But Doggy took it instea-." Pony was suddenly on the floor, with blood trickling down on his face. I couldn't help it, I couldn't even begin to console or think about what I'd just done. My knuckles began to sting as I stood over him, probably looking insane.

"That was you!" I said, softly. "Pony, I don't believe you! You trying that. Look what it's cost us! Doggy could be standing here with us right now!"

"I'm sorry, I thought that if I didn't tell you, then we could still stay friends."

"How do I know you're not going to do that again?" I snarled, getting in my supposed friend's face. I grabbed Pony by the front of his shirt and hoisted him up close, my other fist raised.

"This is what Doggy would've wanted." I thought. I drove my fist back to hit him again. The impact massively hurt Pony as he fell to the ground again.

"I should leave you here." I growled. "So you can die all alone, like Doggy did." Pony, with blood on his face, was trying to get to his feet, but he didn't seem to have the strength.

I happened to glance in front of me, and see Willow staring at something standing against a massive crate. A tear rolled down her cheek, and her bottom lip was quivering. I followed her gaze, but nothing was there.

"Are you okay, Willow?" I asked. Willow wiped the tear away with her sleeve.

"I'm fine." Her voice cracking. She turned around suddenly, and dissapeared ahead, as though she hadn't been there. I turned my attention back to Pony. The bleeding had stopped now, he looked more guilty than hurt. We didn't say anything to each other as I turned my back on him as our group headed upwards. The door to a room just up ahead.

The door lead to a narrow corridor with dim lights flashing overhead. The cure was close, I could feel it. The place lead to 3 different ways. Everyone split up, I would check the first corridor, Willow would check the left, and Pony would brave the middle one on his own. So everyone set off down their respective corridor. My corridor was a fairly boring looking corridor compared to the rest of the place. 

Meanwhile, as Willow progressed through the corridor, she spotted a hopeful looking a door. it was slightly open, and there was a dimmer light ahead inside. Could...It...Be...The...Cure? Willow sprinted ahead, her face slightly lighting up at a cure, but she stopped in her tracks and noticed something. She turned around and saw someone he'd thought she'd never see again for a while, It was Tigry! He was crouched down, planting down a stick of dynamite.

"Tigry!" Willow exclaimed. Tigry noticed Willow and stood up.

"Willow." Tigry exclaimed.

"Using explosives to try and stop me." Willow snarled. "That was never going to work." Tigry fired back with a response,

"YOU were never going to work, Willow, you've hurt everyone you've ever gotten close to, including me."

"What did you just say to me?" Willow growled. I was about to interject, but Tigry started talking again.

"You've been nothing but a bully since I met you." He said, looking at the ground. "But now I'm going to stand up to you." Willow narrowed her eyes.

"This is the thanks I get." Willow said, walking in an arc to get closer.

"For feeding you, and sheltering you for all these years." Tigry looked like he suddenly just remembered something, but then his eyes narrowed.

"Let's settle this then." He growled. Both of them locked eyes and were waiting for someone to make the first move. BAM! Tigry decided to. He rushed at Willow and threw a swing, Willow back-stepped to avoid it, and Tigry aimed a kick, Willow danced out of the way, but tripped over Tigry leg and fell backward. Then she move her legs onto the floor and then back, to aim a rugby tackle at Tigry, and brought him crashing over. Tigry slapped Willow, but she punched Tigry hard. His head rolled over to the side and Willow punched him again, which looked like it hurt, even from my distance. Tigry kicked Willow in the stomach onto her back he then sprang up and went for an elbow jab, But Willow rolled backward and did a flying kick in mid air, Causing Tigry to fly backward.

"Ooohhff." He cried as the wind was knocked out of him. He got back up but couldn't see Willow. That was because she appeared behind him and smacked him in the jaw. Tigry didn't have time to react as Willow grabbed him with both hands and threw him across the floor, but Tigry got in a spin kick, that knocked Willow's head against the wall, she slumped down, but Tigry banged his head against the wall. Both got onto their front.

"Not bad." Willow wheezed.

"Not so yourself." Tigry wheezed back. Then he made a mistake of running at Willow, she got up at the speed of light and jumped to the side, Tigry couldn't slow down and smashed headfirst into the metal wall.

"Damn!" he proclaimed. Willow slid across the floor and caused Tigry to fall, then she jumped back and kicked forward, allowing her to get Tigry in a choke grasp. Tigry gasped for air, weakly clawing at Willow's arm, but she wouldn't let go, she held onto to Tigry neck and his eyes bulged, he was a few more seconds from passing out, but then, an explosion could be heard, and Willow loosened her grasp. It was from Tigry placing of the dynamite. It was so large that several metal pipes crashed down in front of Willow and Tigry, blocking them.

The dark figure made it's way slowly, up the snowy hill, followed by it's never ending army that it constructed all by itself. The original five were now just as tall, the only difference in appearance being the filthy, stitched wool that lay on the figure's head. Soon enough, the had flooded into the military camp. Abandoned buildings and towers were clearly visible among the chaos. There were gunshot marks across the ground, as well as random holes, looking like something had crawled out of it. A few rogue infected soliders stumbled into the daylight, but they were devoured by the army. The figure effortlessly strolled through came across the laboratory that had made rumoured to have made the cure. The floor was dirty white, and long sections of light covered the ceiling, but it split up into three separate corridors. With a flick of it's right hand, it sent two leaders and one half of it's army down the left corridor. And with a flick of it's left hand, it sent two more leaders and the other half of it's army down the middle corridor. But the figure was sure it's target was down the right corridor. It also detected two other humans, as well as an unidentified entity. With one remaining leader, it and the leader almost floated down the left corridor.

Holy shit, we're finally onto chapter 12 of book 2. And man, I don't know how I'm even going to plan all the five different endings. I'm sure something will work out though. I'll probably have the true ending, up by May. That's all for now.

Your author

Doctor of Fun 

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