Chapter 16: Wound Cleaning Again

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Word Count: 870


- Slight description of wounds and blood

The walked quicker than normally back to Y/n's house. His face was probably at its worst. He already had two layers of injuries, now this fight opened all of them again and made new ones. "So, what happened this time?" Y/n asked him as he swung their arms back and fourth together.

"Well, I was waiting for you to come back and Cartman came up to the group. It was fine at first but then he started giving me shit for whatever he could come up with, and I just-" He sighed and looked down.

"You got angry." Y/n finished for him squeezed his hand a little.

"Anyway, I punched him and he shoved me into a wall...face first. Then he pulled my head back and punch me probably a dozen times but I was too drunk to fight back so I didn't do anything the whole time and just let it happen." Y/n nodded in understanding and squeezed his hand again.

"God dammit, Kyle." She sighed as they turned to step onto her porch. "Come in." She led him inside and to her surprise Sheila and Gerald were still there.

"Oh, Y/n you're back early." Lisa said as she got up from the table. Y/n quickly pulled Kyle in and tried to drag him upstairs before Sheila noticed.

"Oh my god!" Sheila yelled. "Kyle!?" His face was much worse than she had seen so naturally she was freaking out.

"I've got it!" Y/n yelled down to her as she dragged Kyle upstairs to her bathroom. He pushed himself up to sit on the sink while Y/n grabbed the first aid kit. She began to clean his face as he winced and groaned. He didn't move much the last two times but since his face was almost unrecognisable, he knew it was gonna hurt.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow." Kyle winced as he grabbed Y/n's hands and held them away from his face. "Okay, it actually really hurts this time."

"Well, if you don't let me do this, your face is gonna get infected." She told him as she broke from his grasp. She dabbed his face with the wet towel again as he winced again. Though he dealt with it this time. After about an hour of trying to stop his face from pissing out blood, it was finished. He had at least three bandages on his face and maybe eight band-aids.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He sighed as he got off the sink.

"No, it's fine." She answered softly. "You just need to stop getting into fights."

"That's what you said last time..." He trailed off a little with a disappointed tone.

"Yeah, I did and you didn't listen." She told him sternly. "But that's okay, you just need to learn some self control." He nodded as she led him into her room.

"Oh is this your room?" He said in a childish voice.

"Yep, this is my door and that's my drawers and that's my bed." She gave him a small tour. He chuckled.

"So, am I the first boy you've had over?" Kyle asked playfully in a childish tone.

"Oh no, I've had many, many men in my bed." She answered with a chuckle.

"God, you are a slut." Kyle huffed and laughed. Y/n didn't say anything, she just chuckled and sat down on her bed. Kyle sat beside her silently for a while.

"What are we doing?" Y/n asked, breaking the silence. "I mean, what is this? We're dating, that's cool, but what are we doing?" Kyle huffed.

"I don't know what I'm doing..." Kyle told her softly. "I just really like you." Y/n chuckled and nodded. She put her hand on top of his as her eyes watched his face.

"Oh, your poor face..." She raised her hand and rubbed the side of his cheek. "It's definitely going to scar."

"Damn, I'll look like a badass." He chuckled.

"Sure you will." Y/n told him, in sort of a comforting way.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked gently as he moved forwards. Y/n nodded and moved in as well. He placed his hand on hers and the other on her leg. Her hand was on the side of his face and the other rested at the base of his neck. His nose hit beside hers. Since his nose was a lot bigger than hers, it kind of got in the way a bit. He had to tilt his head a little more until there lips could actually touch. Once their lips connected, their grips on each other tightened a little, though Y/n kept the state of his face in mind when doing so. The kiss was more like one long peck. Kyle had only kissed one other girl before and that was Bebe in the 3rd grade, so he hadn't gotten much practice. Y/n hadn't actually kissed anyone at all, only her grandma by accident and she definitely regretted it.

They broke the kiss after a couple seconds and just sort of held each other for a moment. They were silent like usual. They were alone, alone together, and it was pathetic. Perfectly and silently pathetic.

Pathetic - Enemies to Lovers  (Kyle Broflovski x Reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ