Chapter 7: The Fight

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Word Count: 1110

- Violence

- Language

- Mention of injuries

The end of the night started to show. The crowds were thinning, the same songs started playing over again, and dancing was less apparent as most people were too drunk to stand up straight, let alone walk. Y/n was helping Tolkien clean up the mess in the kitchen, Nicole was clearing out all the people who weren't stay over, the people who were, were: Y/n, Nicole, Wendy, Bebe, Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Cartman, Craig, Tweak and obviously Tolkien.

While in the kitchen, Y/n and Tolkien heard commotion from the living area. "Shut your fucking mouth, Fatass!" A familiar voice yelled.

"Suck my balls, Jew!" Another familiar voice yelled back. It was easy to assume it was Kyle and Cartman having their usual argument about god knows what. Tolkien and Y/n weren't phased much since it happened so often, but when they heard a crash and a yelp, they ran too see what was actually going on.

Cartman was up against the wall with Kyle punching him in the face repeatedly. Stan ran up behind Kyle to pull him off but once Cartman had a bit more moving room, he shoved Kyle onto his back onto the ground and started punching him in the face. No one could pull Cartman off themselves, for obvious reasons, so Kenny, Stan and Tolkien were trying to pull him off Kyle.

Kyle was unconscious after the 3rd punch, but Cartman has a pretty powerful hit so it's not surprising. But once he was conscious, Cartman didn't stop. "Oh my god! Your gonna kill him!" Wendy yelled. Cartman managed to shove the boys away using his elbows.

Y/n knew Cartman wasn't going to stop and Kyle was already really fucked up. Though during this entire ordeal, she was calm. She wasn't running around and freaking out, she kept a straight face and tried to be as calm as possible. Freaking out wouldn't help anyone.

She rushed back into the kitchen and quickly lathered her hands in dish soup. She calmly rushed back out and over to Cartman. She yanked his head up by his hair and rubbed all the dish soup in her hands in his eyes. He yelped in pain and ran into the kitchen to wash it out of his eyes. Tolkien and Kenny ran after him.

"Somebody get Kyle on the couch!" Y/n order as she went into the kitchen. Cartman was leaned over the sink, rinsing the burning liquid out of his eyes. "You're lucky I didn't grab the bleach." She said to him as she rummaged through one of the cupboards for the first aid kit.

"You're lucky I can't see you, or else I'd punch the shit out of you." Cartman snapped back.

"Yeah and that went really well for you this time."
Y/n added as she exited the kitchen and out to living area again. Everyone was talking about what they're supposed to do now.

Y/n sighed. "I'll take care of Kyle, someone please help Cartman get the dish soup out of his eyes and everyone else should go to bed." Y/n said as she stood with everyone. They nodded as they couldn't do much else. Wendy and Bebe went up to Bed, Nicole and Stan went into the kitchen to help Kenny and Tolkien with Cartman.

Y/n walked over to Kyle and realised his face was bleeding everywhere, not a little bit, but a lot. She rushed over to the linen cupboard and grabbed a towel. She rushed back over and gently lifted his head up, while doing his she realised his hat wasn't there. She looked over to where the fight happened and saw it lying on the ground, not a speck of blood on it.

She quickly grabbed it and put it on the coffee table behind her. She turned back to Kyle and grabbed a warm wet cloth she got from kitchen. She began gently patting down his face, trying to get some of the blood off. Though he was still bleeding, it wasn't near as much as before.

As the blood cleared off his face, she could see his injuries. His nose was bleeding from both nostrils, his bottom lip was bleeding in two different places, his top lip was busted, he had bruises all over his face but generally around his jaw and sides of his face, his eyebrow was also busted and he had small cuts around his face, probably from the rings Y/n noticed Cartman was wearing when he was washing his eyes out.

She noticed a large amount of blood was coming from arm. She lifted his sleeve in confusion and saw a deep gash. She turned her head to see where the fight happened and saw a lamp on the ground with a shattered light bulb next to it, which was covered in blood. Kyle must've fell into it at some point.

She gently wiped away the blood and opened the first aid kit. She got out an anti bacterial wipe and cleaned the wound. His arm tensed up and he groaned, though still unconscious. After it was clean, she wrapped a bandage around it somewhat tightly to help the bleeding stop.

Cartman waltzed out of the kitchen and through the front door. "Screw you guys, I'm going home." Y/n rolled her eyes as a response and continued with Kyle.

She started to clean his face and unbeknownst to her, he started to wake up. He groaned as his eyes slowly opened. "Ugh, my face hurts." He moaned as he made eye contact with her. "What happened?"

"You got into a fight with Cartman." Y/n answered blankly as she continued to tend to his face.

"That dick, I'm gonna beat the shit out of him next time I see him." Kyle answered with a gruff to his voice.

"Yeah well, you started the fight and lost after 3 punches to the face." She told him and he sighed.

"God I suck..." He groaned as he tried to sit up. She quickly pushed him back down by putting a hand on his chest.

"You have a concussion, you won't be coordinated enough to walk around." She told him.

"Oh I'm stupid..." He sighed as his eyes avoided contact with hers.

"You're not stupid, you're just angry and a little sad." She put a hand on the side of his face and made him look at her. "You are a very angry person, but that can't be your fault."

"It might be..." He answered with sad in his eyes.

"Oh, but it can't be. No one can become an angry person themselves." She assured him and he nodded.

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