Chapter 9: It's just a cold day

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Word Count: 1119


- None

Everyone was very hungover that morning. Everyone but Y/n. Of course, she had a piercing headache from the music but at least she didn't have her head halfway down a toilet bowl, throwing up her guts. Even though she wasn't throwing up, she was in the bathroom helping all the girls hold their hair back since they were all too sick to help each other.

"Guys, you shouldn't have drank so much." Y/n told them as they all gathered in the bathroom.

"It was worth it." Bebe said between throwing up and dry retching. Y/n rolled her eyes and chuckled. They all finally finished throwing up and had showers. Y/n was last since she was covered in the sent of alcohol and hadn't thrown up.

She walked downstairs to have some water. She didn't drink much last night since she couldn't be sure if what she was drinking wasn't spiked. She made it to the kitchen and grabbed a glass and filled it with tap water. While doing so, a familiar face walked through the kitchen arch.

"Hey, Y/n." Kyle greeted, somewhat awkwardly.

"Hey." She responded and paused as she stared at his face for a moment. She'd argue it was to check is injuries but he did look really good, even if he had just woken up. "Your face has gotten a little better." She told him as she walked closer. "It's not infected and it doesn't look too bad, how does it feel?"

Kyle hesitated before he answered. "It hurts, but not as much as it was went I was going to sleep." Y/n nodded in response and took a sip of her water.

"I was going to have a shower here before I left but I'm just gonna go home, do you want to come?" She asked as she grabbed her bad from the floor that she had packed early that morning.

"Yeah sure, I didn't actually pack anything so I'll just head out with you." He answered as he waited for her to quickly finished the water and sling her bag over her shoulder. She was wearing some pj's and didn't really care about changing to go home. Kyle, like he said, only brought himself, so he was wearing his clothes from the night before.

They began walking down the street, it was cold, but they both had jackets on and closed in shoes. As they walked, they didn't say much, just the comfortable silence that followed them around quite a lot. They both noticed their hands brushing up against the others. Though they tried to ignore it, it kept happening. Y/n didn't really mind though, it was only accidental. Kyle was a little more skittish about it, he didn't want her to think he was doing it on purpose.

The weather was cold, his hands were warm. His hands were warm as they always were, hers was cold as they always were. Their hands kept brushing against each others. Y/n getting a small brush of his warm fingers. Like the other times, it happened again, but this time, Y/n's fingers hooked onto his slightly. He didn't protest, he didn't tense, he just relaxed under her very light touch. They walked a little further and her hands slowly slid into his, their fingers intertwining.

"Your hands are very cold." He stated softly as he faced directly in front of him, not making eye contact with her.

"I know, they always are." She answered, a little embarrassed. She felt his thumb rub the back of her hand slightly, in almost a way of comfort as he noticed she wasn't very fond of the fact she was cold. She didn't like being cold, her hands were cold, so was the rest of her body, so was her person, so was herself. She was a cold person. Kyle was warm, warm skin, warm cheeks, warm coloured hair, a fiery personality. They were opposites, warm and cold, bold and not, loud and quite, fighter and lover, red and blue.

"That's fine, I don't mind." He told her awkwardly as he squeezed her hand ever so slightly.

"Yeah well, my hands are cold, there is no other reason for this." She stated, almost anxiously.

"Yep, it's just a cold day..." His voice trailed of slightly but kept the same sort of anxious tone as hers. Y/n nodded a little awkwardly in agreement.

They walked further down the street and neared their homes. Y/n was getting Brady from Kyle's so she stayed with him. As they got to the porch, Kyle slide his hand form Y/n's. He didn't want his parents to see, he didn't want them to get the wrong idea. Y/n wasn't disappointed and not really confused, she understood why he pulled away, but her hand fit perfectly in his, she didn't want him to let go.

He knocked on the door and Sheila answered. "Oh, hey guys." She smiled and let us in. "Wait, Kyle..." Kyle stopped in his tracks. "What's on your face?" His face slowly went from the ground to facing his mother, his expression blank. "What? What? What?! Bubbies!? Oh my!!" She gripped both sides of his face.

"Ow!" He winced at the force Sheila had on his sore face. "Mom, I'm fine, trust me, it'll heal."

"It'll heal!?" She yelled. "Oh my..." She shook her head as she let go of his face.

"Mom, it will." He told her calmly again. "And Y/n helped me with it as soon as it happened, if it weren't for her my face would probably be infected." Sheila looked to Y/n.

"Oh, my sweet girl." She praised as she hugged you. "Thank you."

"Oh, don't worry about it. Kyle would've bled to death on the couch without me." She could see Kyles annoyed face over Sheila's shoulder. He flipped her off just as Ike came running down the stairs with Brady.

"Mom! Kyle's flipping Y/n off!" He yelled in an annoying sibling voice as Sheila swung around.

"Kyle Broflovski!" She yelled. "You apologise to her, right now!" Kyle rolled his eyes. Y/n walked up to him with a smug smile.

"I'm sorry for flipping you off, Y/n..." He said lazily with a very subtitle chuckle.

"Oh it's fine, Kyle." Y/n answered with the same smug look. "Okay, come on Brady lets go." She said as she grabbed Brady's bag from her hand and walked out the door with her. She couldn't help but look back and see Kyle's beat-up face one more time. He was watching her as she walked out, their eyes met each others for a moment, but Y/n looked away as quick as she had turned to see him.

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