Chapter 14: Y/n and Kyle

692 17 15

Word Count: 1245


- None

The rest of the week went smoothly, though Y/n and Kyle hadn't talked much since the incident, they sent each other glanced from across the halls. Eventually, Friday came, and so did dinner. Y/n anxiously waited at the front door until she heard a knock, though it was an hour early. She answered it and it was Kyle. "Kyle, what are you doing?"

"I know I'm early, but I need to see you." He said almost breathlessly.

"Kyle..." She turned away as he reached for her face. She knew what he was there for.

"Let's just try it?" Kyle suggested as he walked through the door. "If you feel weird about it, it'll end. If you decide you don't like me like that, it'll end. If you-." He was going to continue but Y/n knew he was going to keep going until she agreed.

"Okay, okay fine." Y/n agreed with a chuckle. She admired his determination, though she wasn't sure why he'd want her so much, but she wasn't gonna start complaining. She just had to get used to it. His face went bright, his eyes greener than ever. He grabbed the sides of her face and leant down to kiss the top of her head in a rush.

"I'll see you later!" He shouted happily as he rushed out the front door and slammed it. Through the window Y/n could see Kyle celebrating by jumping up and down and fisting the air. She chuckled as she shook her head and turned away. She thought it was adorable how happy he was.

"What the fuck just happened?" Y/n sighed to herself with a smile as she turned away.

"He's a sweet boy." Lisa said as she set the table. "I was right, he likes you." Y/n rolled her eyes as she helped set out the plates. "I'm glad you agreed, he'll be good for you. I can tell."

"Thanks, mom." She answered, a little embarrassed.


Soon after, another knock was heard. Lisa answered it and let in the Broflovski's. Though, Y/n and Brady weren't there waiting for them. Y/n was too busy trying to get her shoes off of Brady. "Give me those shoes, you fag!" Y/n yelled as she chased Brady down the stairs.

"Kiss my ass!" Brady yelled back as she ran into the kitchen. Y/n chased her around the kitchen island and into the living room, not realising the Broflovski's had arrived. Y/n managed to grab Brady's foot and made her fall to the ground, she tackled her, but not too rough since Brady was still a lot smaller than her. She snatched the shoes from her grasp and got up.

"If you take my goddamn shoes one more time, I swear, I will-!" She was cut off by a yell.

"Y/n!" Lisa shouted. Y/n looked up and saw the Broflovski's awkwardly standing there with Lisa standing beside them with her arms crossed. Y/n helped Brady up then tried to civilly walk to the table, though she did shove her head away when she walked beside her.

Kyle was sitting in front of Y/n this time. Sheila and Brady sitting next to Y/n. During dinner, Kyle had his leg stretched out so his shoes could meet hers. Though it was a little strange, Y/n appreciated the gesture. Kyle had both his feet on top of hers and tapped them as he would normally on the ground.

After dinner, Lisa began grabbing plates and taking them into the kitchen. Like a reflex, Kyle stood up. "Oh, let me help you, Miss." He said with a smile.

"Oh don't be so formal, call me Lisa." She insisted. Kyle left for the kitchen with Lisa as Sheila turned to Y/n.

"Hello dear." Sheila greeted with a smile. "Kyle's been talking a lot about you recently. Though I was a bit sceptical when he said you weren't Jewish. You seem like a sweet girl."

"Thanks Sheila." Y/n said with a small smile.

"Oh, if that boy gets in another fight, I want you there to help him, even if you've done it plenty of times." Y/n nodded in response.

"Oh yeah, absolutely." Y/n answered. "I'll watch over him." She got up from her seat and called out to Kyle from the kitchen. "Kyle, I'm leaving!" As she headed for the door and heard loud thumps following behind her. Kyle scrambled through the door after her and they began to walk down the road towards Bebe's place.

"So," he said mildly out of breath. He had a small grin on his face, he was very excited that she had said yes to him. His excitement was like that of a puppy, his eyes wide as he watched her walk, making sure he was keeping up with her fast pace of walking. "Are we going to tell anyone?"

"Lets just wait until everyone figures it out." She replied much more calmly than he was. She liked him, definitely, but she wasn't as obvious about it as he was. He grabbed her hand and interlocked their fingers.

"So, do we make it obvious?" He asked her as he swung their arm back and forth. She walked next to him sort of awkwardly. He stood with confidence, his head straight and just generally a warm and bubbly vibe. Y/n was more dark and wobbly, generally cold and more laid back.

"I'll just go with the flow," she told him. "You do what you want and I'll follow." She told him and he squeezed her hand.

"We can pretend nothings going on if you want," he suggested with a soft tone. He leaned down a little since he was quite tall. His voice was quieter and he seemed calmer than before.

"Oh no," she panicked a little and stop walking as she turned to face him. "I'm not ashamed of dating you or anything. Me going along with you is because I don't know where to start. You're fine, completely, perfectly fine." She assured him and he nodded as they continued walking.

"Okay, I will do my thing and you will go with it." Kyle recited as he nodded to himself. "But if you want me to stop anything, just tell me to fuck off." Y/n chuckled.

"Yeah." She nodded as she staring at his side profile. His hooked nose suited him perfectly, but his green eyes even more so. She noticed him glance over for a moment and smirk.

"What are you looking at?" He chuckled as he held her hand a little tighter.

"Nothing..." She said as she trailed off a little and look away. They were nearing Bebe's house, they knew this as the music got louder and the colourful lights were seen through the window.

"Hold or no?" Kyle asked, referring to them holding hands. Y/n nodded her head as they walked through the open front door. Y/n looked through the crowds and got nervous. All those people, all those eyes, but there was one set of eyes that caught her attention. The bright green ones that were sifting through the crowd with her. Her grip on his hand got a little tighter as he dragged her through the crowd, he must have spotted the others.

Y/n saw the large mess of Bebe's blonde hair and Wendy's purple beret. "I'm gonna go over to the girls." Y/n told him as he squeezed her hand goodbye and watched her walk off.

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