Chapter 2: First Day of Junior Year

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Word Count: 1505

- Swearing/ foul language

It was junior year. Y/n was glad her high school life was almost over. Though doing great at school academically, she didn't like it much. Y/n spent the summer in France with her mother. It was a great 3 months, though she did miss South Park. It was a small, cold, and very shitty little town, but she loved it none the less. More than the town, she loved her house. It was the perfect size, perfect wood, perfect temperature, perfect everything. Well, except for the placement. Right next to her, right through her bedroom window, was the much too perfect view of Kyle's bedroom.

She woke up groggily for her first day of junior year. This is going to be a piece of shit. She thought as she got up and tried to find something mildly except-able to wear. Once finding it and putting it on, she did her hair then went downstairs. She was greeted with the warm smell of breakfast.

"I made you some chocolate chip's with pancake on the side." Her mother joked as she put two very chocolate chip filled pancakes on a plate and handed it too Y/n. She wasn't wrong, the pancakes were more chocolate chip than pancake.

"Thanks, mumma." Y/n said as she sat down on the stools at the kitchen island and began eating. Once finished, she then gathered the rest of her things, said goodbye to her cat, C/n and headed out the door.

Unfortunately, just as she got outside and onto her porch she noticed Kyle doing the same thing. Just as she turned left, he did too. She awkwardly walked ahead of him for a couple of seconds before he caught up. His legs were considerably longer than Y/n's, so he caught up pretty quickly. He stepped on the back of Y/n's shoes to annoy her, which worked really well.

"Fuck off, Broflovski." She snapped and sped up. Kyle scoffed and sped up after her. He then started walking beside her, pulling the back off her bag so she'd get pulled back every couple of seconds, he did this 6 times before she said anything. "Oh my god. Leave me alone!" Y/n stopped walked and turned to Kyle angrily. Kyle turned to her as she did to him. There faces met for the first time in 3 months.

They expected each other to look exactly the same, but they didn't. Y/n's face had matured, though looking generally the same, she had grown further into her looks. Kyle on the other hand, was a whole new person. His hooked nose was slightly more defined and stuck out more, but it suited him well. His hair was longer and curlier, though it was mostly tucked into his green hat, parts of it fell out more and revealed the striking red his hair really was. There were many other things Y/n could list and unbeknownst to her, Kyle was having the same feeling about her.

"God, you got uglier." Y/n rolled her eyes and kept walking. She was lying through her teeth, Kyle had actually gotten very attractive.

"I got uglier!" Kyle yelled dramatically as he walked back next to her. "You look like a slut now." He was also lying through his teeth.

"At least I'm not a red-headed faggy jew!" She yelled back at him and sped up more.

"So you hate gingers, homos and Jewish people." Kyle sarcastically listed. Y/n didn't answer, she just kept walking faster in hopes he'd leave her alone, but obviously he didn't. He sped up so he was ahead of her, then she'd speed up to get ahead of him, this got to a point where they were sprinting and shoving each other around all the way to school.

They stumbled through the large front doors of the school, still shoving and yelling at each other. "Get off me Jewish asshole!"

"It's not my fault you're a ginger racist!"

"Ginger racist's aren't a thing!"

"You made it a thing!" Once they both noticed they attracted a crowd, they got off each other and looked out to the small crowd. "Fuck off!" Her and Kyle yelled together and stormed off in the opposite direction.

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