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It was already past ten o'clock in the evening after finishing the things in the space. Qianluo took out the baby bottle that was sleeping with Tianci. The living room was quiet and warm. The two little ones were not there. They must have been taken upstairs by Xie Xun. It seemed that he really liked small animals. There was obviously more charcoal in the fireplace.

The charcoal is placed very carefully, with a small pile in the middle and two small piles on both sides, not next to each other. It was burning vigorously in the middle, with only scattered sparks on the side. This prevented the fire from burning too much and making the room too hot, and also prevented the fire from burning out in the middle of the night.

Qianluo looked at the boiler at the side door again. There was enough coal. Xie Xun, a young man who looked like he belonged to a wealthy family in the south of the Yangtze River, could do these things with ease. People couldn't help but admire him.

After walking around for a while, there was nothing to worry about, and checked the locks on several doors. Seeing that it was time to go to bed, Qianluo took the milk bottle back to the house to sleep. While lying on the bed, Qianluo was still thinking that this was really like a quarrel between parents. The father took the older child to sleep next door, while the mother took close care of the youngest child who couldn't leave. Thinking about it, my face turned red with embarrassment and I hid under the quilt. Just now I thought about not falling into a man's trap. Now that I'm just a kid, I'm trying to conquer myself. It's so worthless.

In the middle of the night, Yun Qianluo was awakened from her deep sleep by a shrill meow.

He threw off the quilt and got off the ground, took out a strong flashlight and rushed upstairs. The cold wind was howling, and the door and windows of the room where the medicinal materials were kept and also served as a study room were wide open.

Xie Xun was leaning out to look out the window when he saw her coming over and said, "Jelly Orange jumped down. It seems that someone climbed up and was discovered by it. It should have run down after the person. You cat can still look after the house."

Although Sisen looks sweet, he is not a breed of pet cat that was later developed. The full name is the Siberian Forest Cat, which is the national cat of Maozi. It is the largest and oldest natural breed of existing cats. In its hometown, temperatures are often minus 4 or 50 degrees Celsius, so its entire body is covered in long fur, and even its neck has a thick fur collar. The average domestic cat can only catch a mouse or a small bird when hunting, but Sissen can hunt prey of the same size as itself, and has high obedience, weighing about 20 kilograms, and can pull a small car with a little training.

In short, compared to other domesticated cats, Sisson is indeed better at looking after homes, and its fighting ability even surpasses that of large dogs.

Yun Qianluo pointed the flashlight downstairs and heard the clear sound of jelly orange. Thank God it didn't chase the thief and was still in the yard. Yun Qianluo was really afraid that the kittens would get into a fight.

It's just that the snow in the yard has not been cleared since it started falling, and now someone has to come up. In the snow, you can clearly see the traces of people crawling into the yard and all the way to the house. At this moment, the jelly orange's big tail was resting on its feet, sitting upright in the snow. It was because its feet were cold.

"I'll pick it up and bring it back. Don't go out. It's too cold. Close the window and go downstairs to warm yourself by the fire." Xie Xun told Qianluo and went downstairs.

This man must be used to giving orders and having everyone listen to his arrangements, but it is really worry-free to have someone arrange what to do.

Qianluo closed the windows and locked them, and checked the things in the house. There were no signs of being turned over anywhere, except that the box containing half a ginseng that she had put directly on the table in the afternoon was opened and it was empty. There were piles of medicinal materials wrapped in paper on one side of the big table. Qianluo arranged for Xie Xun to grab the medicine in the afternoon. At that time, he was too hasty and did not explain carefully. He gave four prescriptions. Now that he saw it, someone was wrapping the medicine in the paper. The name of the prescription is written correctly on it. The writing is agile and agile, and the handwriting is thin and strong. It is thin without losing its flesh. It is a thin golden body.

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