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Time flew by as I was directing the designers for the upcoming fashion week. After finishing up, I returned to my cabin when Laura approached me. She was breathing sharply and heavily since she was in a hurry, which scared me. 
"You scared me, where you were I was looking for you. Is everything okay? What happened?" I asked while pointing her over to the seat. 
"Y/n Ben just called, and he told me that Unknown got an invitation to London Fashion Week." I kept my gaze fixed on her, not blinking. 
"What!" that was the only sudden word that came out of my mouth. "For Unknown, too?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yes, but there is a difference," she explained.
"What difference?"
"They are expecting you as a guest," she stated. I remained silent as I tried to process what I had heard. That surprised me. 
"Are you ok?" Laura went worried  "I promise we will fix it," she added with a smile. "Are you going with XN or?" I had to blink twice when she asked that question. 
"Why should we make a decision if we can choose both?" She didn't expect that from me. 
"Are you sure we can do that?" she asked nervously. 
"Yes, we can. To solve this, all we need is a perfect plan with an equally perfect solution. Tell Tanya to schedule a meeting for tomorrow at Unknown. First of all, I need to know the schedules before I can proceed with a plan." She was more persuaded by my assurance and gave me a powerful smile. 
She was about to say something when a knock interrupted us both. It was Tanya. She was confused but calm, indicating that she had no idea what was going on. So, Laura used the opportunity to explain everything about the proposal Unknown received. Now she seems nervous. 
"They want Unknown as a guest on the show. Oh, god, what are we going to do? We are unable to cancel our collaboration with XN because we have already signed an agreement." Tanya looked at me and said, "We need to find a way before we think about canceling." 
"Tanya, we are not going to cancel anything. That is why I am looking for a solution; I am not going to pass up this opportunity," I said confidently, asking Laura to bring the scheduled files of both companies. While waiting for them, I turned to the side where the board was to note it down. A few seconds later, both of them entered with files and took their seats, ready to begin the discussion right away. 

I told Tanya to read XN's scheduled timing, and Laura chose unknown. 

The discussion started when I gestured at Tanya to begin. 
"Feb. 17th is the first day of London Fashion Week, which takes place from February 17 to February 21. We have an evening show starting at 5 p.m. On 17th"
It was Laura's turn. "You are invited as a guest on February 17 from 2 to 4 p.m.; you are seated in the front row, so communication will be difficult; and you can also have someone with you as a partner." 
I turned to them right after I wrote everything down. 
"So, we have one hour to get back on track, and for communication, tell Ben to find a solution," I told Tanya, who nodded.
"Is there anything else scheduled for that day?" I asked both, hoping neither had any. 
"No, ma'am, that is all for that day," Tanya confirmed. That gave me relief. 
"All right, let us get started with that hour. How can we disappear Unknown and return to XN at 5 without getting caught in the middle? Do you guys have any ideas?" I raised a question. They started to share their findings and their opinions about the situation. 

But I had to stop halfway through the meeting because I got a call from Mr. Jay to discuss something about the designs for fashion week. I told them to find a solution with team Unknown, and I put Laura in charge of Unknown on my behalf because I knew I wouldn't be able to get on with the discussion because I was running out of time. I have to work on XN. 
In my situation, Laura came forward and told me to take care of the rest by herself. 
"We will find a solution for it y/n, you just forget about this. Now you need to concentrate on XN, okay? We will send you the updates as soon as possible." Her words made me half relieved. 
"Thank you, guys; let me know if you need me,"
"Of course, don't worry, girl; you are about to hear an excellent plan." Laura gave me a cheerful smile and led the way as they were about to leave. 
I went back to work after having FaceTime with Mr. Jay, and I began with the designs. We had to work on a total of 320 designs. Out of 300, I needed to create 20 signature designs for myself. 

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