Into Something New

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(Back to reality)

A buzz from my phone brought me back to reality; it was Laura. Now it's the second time. If I don't attend right now, I'm so dead. I answered the phone before it hung up.

"Hey wassup?" To make sure she was okay, I asked her.

"SERIOUSLY!! You gave me a heck of a post here, around an hour and YOU ASKING ME WASSUP!!!!! "

That was enough to snap me out of my reverie and into reality, and I realized I was f*cked up.
I hung up the phone as soon as she busted my eardrum. We sometimes drove to the office together, and I was on my way to pick her up, but I was lost in thought, and it was not a big deal for me to pick her up; even though I was late, I arrived on time. OKAY!!! No objections, just 5 minutes late 🙃.

She was on her phone when I reached there, so to get her attention away from her phone, I stopped beside her and raced (vroom) a little louder. Because she is still calling me, and it's been more than 10 times!! Without skipping a single second, she is calling me again. With that roar, she looked inside and gave a warning sign, which made me laugh.

"Hey, girl, wanna ride?" I teased her because I enjoy testing her patience, which is normal around us. She gave me a death glare as she walked toward the side seat next to me. That was fun. Later, as she finds comfort in her seat, she begins to remind me of my schedule. SERIOUSLY!! With that look, I thought she was going to eat me up right away. Trust me, she is a flipper. She knows when and where to change, and she can do it within seconds.

"So about today, you have a meeting with Mr. Jay at 11 a.m., and xx xxx."And there she goes... As usual, she begins with her workaholic aura. She never makes compromises when it comes to work.

"Why am I doing this?" I let it out, and it was a simple thought that formed in my mind and came out of my mouth unintentionally.

" huh! "Because you are the boss," she said, slapping my arm with her giant hand. Like I mentioned before, she acts like my mom sometimes, more than mom.

"So, about THAT F*CKING FIVE MINUTES WHERE THE H..." And then she flips again. This time, she is a furious pirate.

I thought she would have forgotten about that. Luckily, we arrived at the office, and I dashed to my cabin for my life. Yes, sometimes we need to run for our lives.

"I think you can join the Olympics now." She said to me as she entered the cabin, which made us both laugh before returning to our work.
A few hours later, she came back to remind me about the meeting.

"They are here; are you ready?" She asked me with a strong smile.

"Yeah, let's do it."

We are walking over to the meeting room. I saw my reflection through the side, and it made me remember how everything changed. When I see the people standing in front of me now, I feel empowered. There was a time when my designs got rejected, not once but several times, and now they eagerly waited to get my appointment. My mom used to tell me that there would be a day for me to shine, but if you ask me now, I would have to say that instead of that one day, every day is my day.
We came to a stop when the door opened. Mr. Jay was there, along with his team.

The meeting began.

They turned it on with their proposal. I was fine with it because they were planning a collaboration for their upcoming London fashion week and asked me to join them. When I thought about it, it seemed like a fantastic opportunity for XN. Because Ms. Unknown is very popular, XN is not as popular as Ms. Unknown. So, I have to make XN as popular as Unknown. Also, this will be a grand event with many public figures, actors, and others. Rather than that, it's happening in London, and it will be a great opportunity for XN, for sure. But before confirming, I needed to make sure it was worthwhile for us, so I told them I would update later and ended the meeting without disappointing them. I told Tanya to check on our upcoming events and look after their previous collaborations.
After that, I returned to my cabin.Laura came to discuss the event while I was working, and she did not forget to show me images from previous events they had hosted.

"These are the images from their most recent event, which occurred a year ago; please check them out." She was excited to show me those pictures.
I was amazed by the huge number of celebrities.

"Wow!! It's a lot. Oh,  it's that, Hwasa?? that South Korean singer?" I was curious as I showed her the picture.

"Yes, that's her y/n."

"There are lots of designers too; it's going to be perfect," I said while scrolling through the pictures.

"So what do you think? Let's proceed, or...Ahh!!!!!!!" I needed a minute to process what had happened; that scream caused my soul to leave my body. I glanced at her to check what she did for AND.......😒

"HARRY!!" She screamed through my ear, and yeah, it's her updated crush, Harry Styles, from one direction.Just a fan thing.

When she realized I was staring at her, she gave me an innocent smile and asked, "So... we are going, right?"

That innocent smile lasted only a second. "Is that a yes or no?"  She asked by raising her brow. Look at how fast she's changing!

"Okay, but we need to discuss it with our team; get them to the meeting room." She nods and dashes outside, like a cheetah. Just a fan thing.
The meeting went smoothly. We were prepared to move forward with the show. Everyone was busy with the event. I returned to my cabin and took a deep breath. While I was relaxing, a sudden knock interrupted me. It was Laura. She was in a rush with a nervous face.
I'm sure something happened. Was it bad, or is it into something new?

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