Chapter eleven

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But the door remained locked, and no one answered her desperate calls. The doctors and nurses, aware of Jenna's wishes, respected her decision to isolate herself. They understood the risk Jenna was trying to protect Emma from, but it provided no solace to Emma, who felt her heart breaking further with every passing second.

"Jenna, please reconsider! I can't lose you like this! Please, let me in. Let me be there for you."

"Jenna! Please... Please, Jenna... You can't do this to me please..."

Silence greeted her cries, and Emma knew deep down that Jenna's resolve was unyielding. Jenna, in her selfless act of love, had chosen to shield Emma from her suffering.

But then, amidst the heavy silence, a faint whisper carried through the phone.

"Emma... can you hear me?" Jenna's voice was feeble, barely audible, yet it resonated with a touch of serenity and a hint of hope.

Emma gasped, her tears momentarily paused as she pressed the phone closer to her ear.

"Jenna? Yes, yes, I can hear you. I'm here."

Through the phone, Jenna's weak voice spoke once again, her words laced with urgency and longing.

"Can you... come to the... balcony... again?"

Emma's heart skipped a beat at Jenna's request. Without a moment's hesitation, she made her way to Jenna's balcony.

Stepping onto the ledge, Emma peered across the gap that separated their balconies. She took a deep breath, gathering all her courage, and then, without hesitation, she leaped across the divide.

With a soft thud, Emma landed safely on Jenna's balcony.

Jenna managed a weak smile, her eyes shining with gratitude.

"Thank you for... coming. For being... here, Emma."

Emma gently wiped away her tears, her voice filled with love and determination.

"Of course, Jenna."

They held each other's gaze, their unspoken bond speaking volumes. In that moment, time seemed to fade away as they immersed themselves in each other's presence.

Jenna's voice was soft, barely audible, as she spoke. "Emma... Look at the night sky with me... Let's wait for a shooting star. That's what we do, right?"

A tear fell from Emma's eye.

She reached for the paper bag that held the precious mango shake she had prepared for Jenna. With trembling hands, she gently set the mango shake aside and carefully retrieved the paper from the bag.

With a deep breath, Emma wiped away her tears and focused on the paper in front of her. She held a pen tightly between her fingers and drew a star, its shape delicate and imperfect. She poured her emotions into each stroke, infusing the drawing with her love for Jenna.

With the star complete, Emma pressed it against the glass door that separated her from Jenna. She held it there for a moment, her hand trembling, and then slowly dragged the drawn star downward as if to imitate the path of a falling star.

As she pressed the paper against the glass, Emma whispered through her tears, her voice choked with emotion,

"Make a wish, Jenna."

On the other side of the glass, Jenna observed Emma's actions, her eyes brimming with tears. A weak smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she clutched the phone tighter, her voice barely audible but filled with gratitude.

"Live happily, Emma."

Emma sobbed. Her tears flowed endlessly down her cheeks.

The weight of grief settled upon her, crushing her heart as she struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the loss she was about to face. With each tear that fell, she felt a piece of her soul breaking away.

As she continued to weep, a faint voice reached her ears through the phone, barely audible amidst her sorrow.


"I'm sleepy..."

The words pierced through Emma's heart. Silent sobs wracked her body as her tears flowed endlessly, soaking her cheeks.

"I'm... going... to sleep... now, okay?"

Jenna gave Emma a weak smile before closing her eyes.

Just like that, her best friend was gone.

Emma mustered the strength to whisper one final farewell.

"Thank you for being the best friend I could have ever asked for."

With a heavy heart, Emma ended the call and set her phone down.

Emma cried.

She cried with a depth and intensity she had never experienced before.

Her cries echoed through the hospital hallway, her grief pouring out with a force that couldn't be contained. It was a cathartic release, a pouring forth of all the emotions she had kept locked within her. Her body trembled with each sob, her shoulders heaving as the weight of her sorrow pressed down upon her.

Her cries filled the room with a haunting melody of heartache and despair. It was a sound that pierced the silence, a raw expression of the pain she felt in the depths of her soul. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the overwhelming grief that consumed her.

Emma cried until there were no more tears left to shed. She cried until her sobs turned into soft whimpers, her body exhausted from the sheer emotional toll. And even then, a sense of heaviness lingered within her, an ache that could not be easily soothed.

The emptiness in her heart seemed insurmountable, and she wondered how she would ever find solace in a world without Jenna.

Chasing Stars (Emma Myers X Jenna Ortega)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن