Chapter 27

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Hollis' P.O.V.

A week laterI remember who everyone is besides Eddie. All i can remember is our first kiss and that's it. Kate is going to make me look through our wedding photo's and see if i remember anything. I started to look through the photo's. They were of me and Eddie. I don't remember him yet. I want to love him but i cant. Then there were pictures of us inside the castle holding hands and kissing. Only the girls know i don't remember Eddie. He thinks i remember him.

"This isn't working! Im just going to play your wedding for you!" Kate said. All the boys were out of the house. Kate recorded the wedding on TV. It was weird to see me getting married. And its just really weird to know im pregnant with a guy i have no idea who he is! I was watching the wedding and saw my cousins, dad, brothers, sister, friends, and then this guy im married to. I started to cry when i was walking down the isle.


I couldn't help but to cry. I purpasly had water proof makeup on. Eddie took my hand and helped my onto the alter. The priest started talking. I felt like i was going to pass out. But in a good way if that's possible. Soon the time came to go to the castle and kiss. Me and Eddie walked down the isle and got into the carriage. We saw so many people with signs that said congrads and British flags. We walked upstairs the castle and onto the balcony. The crowd was roaring. Me and Eddie looked at each other and kissed.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you to." Eddie replied.

End of Flashback.

"THE WEDDING!!!! I REMEMBER!!!!" I yelled.

"You never remembered?" A voice said behind me.It was Eddie.

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