Chapter 12

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Hollis' P.O.V.

*Two day's later*

Were leaving today!! Our first stop is America. Were starting at New York, then L.A. Were going to be in New York for a day to just walk around and then L.A. for a few days. I've never been to any of these place's were going to! I've only lived in Florida and been in England! Since im living in England now i haven't been able to go shopping lately, so im going shopping on this trip!! Were leaving at three in the morning on a private jet. It's 2:30. Me, Kate, Will, Harry, and Aria are putting their stuff in the van now. Were going to pick up Eddie then Aaron is going to meet us at the airport. We drove to Eddie's house. The driver helped Eddie put his suit cases in the back. Eddie got in the van and we drove to the airport. I got my stuff out of the back and ran inside the airport. I saw Aaron waiting at the gate.

"Hey!" He said.

"Hi! Lets get on the plane!" I said as we got onto the plane. Aaron sat down in the chair facing the cabin so when Aria walked in the plane she would see the back of his head. I sat across from him. The lady on the plane took our bags and put them somewhere in the cabin. A few minutes later Aria, Harry, Kate, Will, and Eddie came in the plane. Will and Kate sat on the couch. Harry sat with them. Eddie sat next to Aaron and Aria walked over to me. Her jaw dropped when she saw Aaron.

"What is he doing here?" Aria asked whispering in my ear.

"Will invited him. Be nice." I replied.

"Morning!" Eddie said to start conversation.

"Morning!" I replied. We both looked at Aaron and Aria. The flight attendant came out with a tray that had coke-a-cola, Pepsi, Wine, Beer, champagne, and water on it.

"Would any of you like a drink?" She asked.

"I'll have a water for now." I said.

"Me to!" Aria said.

"Make that four water's." Aaron said. The lady walked over to Kate, Will, and Harry.

"I hope they have animal crackers." I said.

"Why?" Aaron asked laughing.

"I like animal crackers." I replied. Everyone laughed.

"Your weird!" Aria said.

"Even though im 28 im still a kid at heart!" I added. The lady came back with our water's.

"Were are going to take off so could you please turn off your electric devices?" She asked. We nodded and turned everything off. The seatbelt light came on and we could feel the plane going down the runway. I hate plane's and when they are going into the air. I could feel the plane start to go up into the air. I grabbed the arms of the chair and closed my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Eddie asked me.

"Just get me animal crackers and i will be fine." I said. I could hear giggles and snickers around me. The lady came back out.

"Do you have animal crackers?" I heard Eddie ask.

"Yes we do! Would you like some?" The lady asked.

"Yes please!" Eddie said.

"Im getting you your animal crackers." He added.

"God bless your soul you wonderful creature." I said.

"Im sorry. I promise im not drunk or high." I said.

"Don't make a promise you cant keep." Aaron said. I hear Aria laugh.

"Hey!!" I replied. The lady came back and gave Eddie a bag of animal crackers.

"Thank you." Eddie said. Eddie handed me the crackers.

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