Chapter 16

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Hollis' P.O.V.

They wanted Eddie to spend the night at the hospital. The doctors told me it was a miracle nothing was broken on him, more of a miracle he's alive!! I stayed with Eddie at the hospital over night. I slept in the hospital bed with him. He had a few bruises but other than that he was fine. It was 10:00 in the morning and our flight leaves in two hours. The doctors said he's free to go whenever we wake up. I softly shook Eddie to wake him up.

"No! I wanna lay here with my girlfriend!" Eddie mumbled.

"Im the one waking you up! We have to leave to go to the airport!" I said.

"Oh! Okay then!" Eddie said. Aaron brought some clean clothes for Eddie to wear home. I handed Eddie the clothes.

"I need to help you get dressed." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you need to be careful and the doctors don't want you to open your stiches." I said. Eddie took off the hospital gown. I helped him get on his t-shirt. I helped him put on his sweat pants also. The nurse gave us a wheel chair to take him to the car with. I helped him slip on his favorite pare of shoes, his converse.

"I don't need the wheel chair." He said.

"You might not need it but the doctors say to use it." I said. I helped him up and into the chair. He was wincing in pain.

"See. Your in pain." I said. I put my flowers in Eddie's lap and rolled him into the hallway.

"Oh! Good morning Mr. Redmayne and Hollis! I need somebody to be with Eddie at all time's for the next month. Just to help him get around and move." Doctor Griffin said stopping us in the hallway.

"Alright!" I said.

"Were giving you a wheel chair and walker to help you for a while." Doctor said.

"Does the person need to help me go to the bathroom?" Eddie asked. I giggled.

"Yes. Im sorry! Have a nice day!" Doctor said walking away.

"What if i need to go in a public bathroom and im only with you?" He asked me.

"Looks like your going in the woman's room!" I said.

"Remind me to go to the bathroom before i go to public places!" Eddie said.

"Okay!" I replied. I took Eddie to the other rental car we got and helped him in the passenger side. I put the wheel chair in the back and the walker. I got in the drivers side and drove to the hotel. Aaron and Aria were standing in the front with all of our suitcases. They put them in the trunk and we drove to the airport.

"You packed our stuff?" Eddie asked.

"Yes! Were running late! Our flight leaves in half a hour!" Aria said. I drove to the airport and had the valet park for me. I had Aaron and Aria get out the suitcases, walker, and wheelchair. I helped Eddie out and into the wheelchair. People were taking pictures of us throughout the airport. We didn't have to go through security checks. We got on our jet and put or stuff on that rack Joey showed us. I helped Eddie onto the chair. I sat next to him.

"Aaron, can you check my bag of clothes?" Eddie asked Aaron.

"The one's you had on in the accident?" Aaron asked.

"Yes." Eddie said.

"Alright." Aaron said. He walked over to the bag and looked inside. He shot Eddie back a look.

"You have nothing to worry about!" Aaron said walking back and sitting down. I looked at my phone and saw i was getting a call from Ellen.Hello?Hi! Is Eddie alright?Yes! He's good!I was wondering if i could tell people what's going on with him on my show today! Sure! He's fine but he has a wheelchair and a walker.Alright! Thank you and i hope he feels better!Bye!

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