Chapter 21

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Hollis' P.O.V.

*One month later*

Right now we are about to leave Tokyo. Our next stop is Australia!!!! They are getting married as soon as we get there. Well the day after we get there. The day we get there were having a bachelor and bachelorette party!!! Samantha Barks, Amanda Seyfried, Kate, Me, Aria, and Anne Hathaway are coming. I think were just going to go out to a bar and have fun! Nothing like the guys are doing! Right now were on the plane. Eddie and Aaron are texting each other secrets, and me and Aria are talking. The guys have never said anything about the bachelor party.

"So what's your plan for the bachelor party?" I asked.

"Umm... we were just going to go out and have some drinks!" Aaron said.

"Oh! Looks like we'll run into you guys then!" I replied.

"Well were going to a different bar!" Aaron responded.

"We never said which one we're going to." I said.

"But still were not going to that one!"

"You guys are such liars!! We know where your going!" Aria said.

"Well do i have your permission?!" Aaron asked.

"Yes. Its your last night as a single man!" She replied.

"Eddie's unsure about it but i know once we get some drinks in him he'll be fine!" Aaron said.

"Well do i have your permission to go?" Eddie asked.

"I love how you guys ask for permission! And yes Eddie you can go!" I said.

"Okay" Eddie replied. Him and Aaron went back to texting each other.

*In Australia*

We're in Australia!!!!! I love it here! I've been looking for Nemo and Dory but im not having any luck!! Tonight are the parties!! Were getting ready to go out. The boys already left. Aria just got done getting ready. All of us looked like we were going to have a good time.

 "Let's go!!" Aria said. We all walked to the bar. We also passed the place the boys were at. It wasn't open yet so they were waiting outside.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Aaron asked. We all turned around.

"Were walking to the bar!" Aria said. All the guys jaws dropped.

"What?" She asked.

"You guys look amazing." Aaron replied.

"You just noticed that?" Amanda said.

"No. But wow." Aaron said. He started to walk over to Aria. He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to him, then he gave her a long passionate kiss. All the guys aww'd. Eddie walked over to me.

"You look beautiful." Eddie said.

"You look handsome." I replied. Eddie kissed me.

"Just get married already!!!" Sam said. We continued walking to the bar. We just sat around a table drinking drink, after drink, after drink. I think we might be drunk. I was the only one not sober.

"Hey guys! Lets sneak into the back of the strip club and surprise the boys!" Amanda said.

"Yeahhhh!!!" All of us said. We paid for our drinks and walked behind the strip club. The guys 'rented' the strip club for the night so they were the only guys there. We walked inside the back of the club. There was a lady back there.

"Excuse me but what are you doing?" The lady asked.

"Were having funnnnn!" Anne yelled.

"Do you guys want to get dressed or something?" She asked.

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