4. Future

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The final year of high school is one of the most important periods in a student's life

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The final year of high school is one of the most important periods in a student's life. It is a time of mixed emotions, excitement, and nervousness as we prepare to make significant decisions that will influence our lives. For my best friend Hoseok, the future was already crystal clear. He had always been passionate about law enforcement, and he was determined to follow in his father's footsteps. Hoseok's father was a respected officer in the police department, and his unwavering dedication to his profession left an indelible impression on Hoseok.

With grit and determination, Hoseok had set his sights on the police academy in Seoul. It was located next to the department headquarters where his father worked, and Hoseok was determined to bring his dreams to fruition. Every day, he worked hard to secure his place in the academy, and his passion for law enforcement grew stronger with each passing day. He trained his body hard. He ran in every marathon, went for a run every morning and gained muscles through his exercises with weights included. Hobi’s stamina was incredible, and his dancing helped to maintain it.

As for me, I was still unsure about my future. However, one thing was clear- I had an unquenchable love for words, lyrics, poetics, and books. Reading was my ultimate escape, and I could lose myself in a good book for days. Sometimes, I would forget about my worldly needs like food, which were otherwise my second obsessions. I was fascinated by the power of words and their ability to transport me to different worlds and times. Despite my uncertainty about my future career, I knew that my love for words was something that would stay with me for life.

As I sat across from my boyfriend, he took a big bite of his sandwich and spoke between chews. "You could study literature if you love reading that much." His words made me pause and think. I had never considered pursuing literature as a field of study, but the thought of diving deeper into the books I loved so much was tempting.

I turned my attention back to Yoongi, who was staring at my lips with an intense look in his eyes. He was waiting for my response, and I couldn't help but feel a little flustered under his gaze. I copied his action and was about to take a bite of my sandwich, hoping to buy myself some time.

As I was about to express my thoughts, Yoongi took me by surprise by leaning in and pressing his lips against mine, igniting a fiery passion within me. The intensity of his kiss left me breathless, feeling like I was drowning in his love. Yoongi was the epitome of the perfect boyfriend. He was the quiet calm to my chaotic nature, the shining sun that rose after a storm, and the missing piece to my puzzle. Despite being my opposite, he completed me in ways I never thought possible.

The sudden sound of a harsh cough jolted us back to the present moment. As I looked around, I noticed Hobi sitting beside Yoongi, his brows deeply furrowed with disapproval. "Take a room, for fucks sake," my best friend hissed at us, clearly disgusted by our behavior. Despite his annoyance, we couldn't help but giggle at the hilariously funny expression on Hobi's face as he continued to shoot us disapproving glares while he picked some of my fries and shoved them into his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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