3. Our Friendship

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"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He shouted at me without any worries about what our classmates would think

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"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He shouted at me without any worries about what our classmates would think.

"No, what the fuck is wrong with you!?" I answered back at my best friend. My voice was rougher than he was used to. We argued, of course, but we never pulled it out in public. Hoseok is like a brother to me and siblings do fight.

"Sánchez, I swear just tell me what your problem is. Why are you like this?" He really asked that.

"Oh, you wanna play it that way? Ok, Jung, tell me one thing, when was the last time we hung out?"

"Didn't we see a movie yesterday?" Hoseok frowned, his body tensed when he confidently crossed his arms in front of his chest. 

"Yoongi and Momo were with us. I meant, just the two of us!" I said through gritted teeth. My best friend and I haven't spent time together since I started dating Yoongi. 

"Why does that matter? Aren't they our partners? I love spending time with my girlfriend, it's not my problem if you don't want to be with your boyfriend in your free time." The boy scoffed ironically. A bitter smirk decorated his lips which fired the already burning flame inside me. I wanted to punch his grimace. Hoseok was too full of himself.

"That's not the fucking point! I love Yoongi and I'm with him every day but I want to hang out with my best friend sometimes. Is that too much to ask for?" This time I shouted the words into his daring face. Instead of hurting him physically, I wanted to hurt him mentally. I wished he would feel the desperation I felt.

"You want too much, Sánchez. Are you on your period or why are you acting like a kid? Grow up!" That's all he said before he turned around and walked away. In the distance, I saw his girlfriend waiting for him. A felt a sting in my heart. My sunshine wasn't shining for me anymore. He gave up on our friendship and I couldn't even find an answer to why he did that. Hoseok was cold and hid secrets from me, we never had that, and we always told each other everything. A normal conversation between us was rare since he came back from Japan.

It's been half a year since he visited Momo's family in Kyoto. Maybe something happened I didn't know about. But why didn't he tell me if it were so?

"Angel, you're ok?" Delicate fingers traced along my side sent shivers through my body and I relaxed instantly. Yoongi was standing next to me. I bet he heard it all but that was ok because I talked about this issue with my boyfriend. He always listened to me venting without saying anything until I was finished. 

"He changed so much. I don't know that person anymore." The warmth of his body embraced me and I drowned in his scent when I buried my face into the crook of his neck. I could always be myself with Yoongi and I appreciated his presence. Six months is not long but for us, it was. He slept in my room and my parents knew that but never said anything after they talked to Yoongi. Especially my dad. They loved him and felt sorry for his past but they didn't pity him. Mom and dad treated my boyfriend the way they treated me and it made me happy when Yoongi bloomed.

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