1. Jung Hoseok

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The day we moved from Mexico to South Korea was one of the hardest parts I've been through as a seven-year-old little girl

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The day we moved from Mexico to South Korea was one of the hardest parts I've been through as a seven-year-old little girl. My dad got a promotion and was sent to Seoul, leaving mum and me behind. But as soon as my father found a home he took us with him to finally live together after a year apart.

My little world broke down, I had to leave all of my friends. Tears were shed that day, not only mine but my friend's as well. As an innocent child, there is nothing more heartbreaking than going outside the comfort box and being thrown into a whole other world. I hated Seoul, my new home didn't appeal to my taste. The food was disgusting and chopsticks were my enemies. Nothing could please me and my parents had a hard time. My mom started to work a month after we arrived as a nurse.

The language was strange and I couldn't make friends because of the barrier. Everyone looked weirdly at me and I was branded as the foreign kid. My skin was slightly darker than theirs, my eyes were much bigger and green was not the usual color, and I had a lot more hair, thick, wild, brown locks decorated my little head. To top all of that, I was a bigger child, not fat but I enjoyed mom's two cultured cooking too much. Life as a mixed child of a Croatian mother and a Mexican father, in South Korea, is very hard. They'd say I'm pretty and so on but no kid would want me as a friend and parents didn't want me to befriend their children.

Mom and dad tugged me on so many occasions in the hope for me to find somebody but I didn't. And at some point, I just gave up on trying to make friends. Some said a child would find companions wherever it is but that's not working for everyone. But time changed when I met him. I remember the day as if it was yesterday. The sun was bright and it was a hot summer day, my mom and I sat on the balcony of my room eating some fresh fruits as we saw a big vehicle in front of the neighbor's house.

The house next to us has been empty since we moved in. A lot of people carried the moving boxes and furniture into the big house. Two children with their parents moved in. "Maybe you will find a friend in our new neighbor's kids, ljubavi," mom named me sweetly her love, still to these days she calls me by the Croatian word. She was always positive and made sure I didn't feel alone but she couldn't always make time for me, she worked a lot, and her shifts were weekly changing.

My parents were very sweet to me, I was their only child. They always said I was a miracle as the physicians told my mom, she couldn't get pregnant. It was the best thing that happened to them when my parents held the white stick with two blue lines in their palms. Although she knew she couldn't get pregnant, her period was always on time, plus-minus a day, but it didn't happen for over five days and on the sixth day she made the test out of curiosity.

After ten years of trying hard to get pregnant in any possible way, they finally succeeded in the usual method after they decided to give up trying and accepted their fates. That's why they gave me the name of fate, Destiney, they believed I was destined to be their baby. I had to hear this story over and over again on every birthday of mine. They're the best parents to me and I would never want to change anything. I will always be my father's princesa and mom's ljubavi but a sibling was my biggest wish. It would have been so much easier to move to another world. That's why I wanted a friend so badly and it made me sad that I had none.

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