"Maybe, but, I don't know, Mont. I mean, he's angry at me, and to be fair, I'm pretty upset with him too," Jaycee told him.

"Maybe he's right Jay, I mean, no one can get to him, you are his twin, maybe there's a chance that the Jasper that we all love and miss, is somewhere down there," Miller told her.

Jaycee thought about it, "Fine, I'll talk to him after this sector 7 runs,"

Monty smiled. "Good."

Then someone walked in, he ignored Jaycee and spoke to Monty, "Monty, why aren't you ready?" Jaycee rolled her eyes.

"I am," He pointed to himself, "He's not," pointing to Jasper.

They all looked at Jasper who was lying on the ground, under a table.

"Jeezus," Jaycee whispered.

"What should we do with him?" Monty asked.

"Throw a bucket of water at him?" Jaycee whispered thinking no one heard her.

"We should leave him this time," Bellamy told Monty.

"He's not getting better. Maya's death broke him. He needs this," Monty tried to plead his case.

"Take an arm. Come on" He and Monty both lift him and Bellamy looks at Monty, "He's all yours" Leaving him and Monty, going to his now girlfriend.

Jaycee went to stand next to the rover and she was checking the clip of her gun. She was doing that for a minute or so but then once she looked up, she saw Bellamy and Gina kiss. Barf

Jaycee went near Miller, she couldn't stand the sight of Bellamy right now.

Bellamy walked to the rover and harshly threw the duffle bag on top of it.

"Hey!" Raven's tone was harsh.

"Take it easy!"

Bellamy smiled "Mornin' to you too"

Miller then started to walk near Bellamy but not close, Bellamy had tossed Miller a gun, then looked at Jaycee and tossed her a gun. She was pretty sure that was the first time he looked at her since they broke up.

"What's the point if we can't shoot 'em?" Miller questioned

"We can. Just not to Kill." He looked at everyone, "What goes for everyone," He looked around at the people who were near him, "Where's Octavia?"

Miller let out a chuckle, "We're going outside the wall. You honestly think she'd miss that?"

Jaycee was checking her clip, making sure she had enough bullets.

She was standing beside the rover, then Monty walked up to Jasper and splashed him with a bucket of water, I didn't mean it seriously Monty.

Jasper gasped for air and looked at Monty with cold eyes.

"Sorry, was that too cold?" Monty's sarcasm was noticeable

Jasper got angry and screamed as he pushed Monty against the rover.

Jaycee rolled her eyes and walked up to them as Jasper let go of Monty.

As Jasper was going to walk away, Bellamy went in front of him and put his hand extended on Jaspers's chest.

"No gun for you, not until you're sober," Bellamy was serious.

Bellamy handed him a bag, Jasper grabbed it and saluted to Bellamy as he ended up flicking his forehead, "Don't want one." He walked away.

Jaycee walked up to Monty

"You know, I didn't mean literally throw water at him," Jaycee said

"Yeah, I know, but he needed it, maybe it will slowly help him get better," Monty said.

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