After what felt like hours of trekking through the unforgiving landscape, they finally stumbled upon a small settlement nestled amidst the rocky terrain. With a sense of relief, they approached the settlement, their eyes scanning the area for signs of life.

As they entered the settlement, they were greeted by the curious stares of the locals, their alien features a stark contrast to the familiar faces of Earth. Vegeta wasted no time in negotiating with the locals, using his commanding presence to secure the supplies they needed.

Once the transaction was complete, they loaded up the ship with food, water, and fuel, ready to depart the planet and continue their journey through the cosmos. But before they could leave, Vegeta had one more task in mind.

"Broly," Vegeta called out, his voice cutting through the quiet hum of activity as he turned to face the towering Saiyan. "It's time you and I had a spar."

Broly hesitated, his eyes betraying a flicker of uncertainty. "But Vegeta, I..."

Vegeta cut him off, his tone firm and unwavering. "No excuses, Broly. You've been slacking off too much lately. It's time you proved yourself."

Broly nodded reluctantly, his resolve hardening as he squared his shoulders. With a sense of resignation, he followed Vegeta to a clearing nearby, the tension palpable between them.

 As the spar began, Vegeta wasted no time in unleashing his full power, determined to test Broly's limits.

The two Saiyans clashed with ferocity, their blows echoing across the desolate landscape. Vegeta's attacks were calculated and precise, each strike aimed at exploiting Broly's weaknesses.

As the spar intensified, Vegeta couldn't help but taunt his opponent, his words laced with venom. "Is that the best you can do, Broly? You're just as weak as your father!"

The mention of his father ignited a spark of rage within Broly, his emotions spiraling out of control. In a fit of uncontrollable fury, Broly unleashed his full power, his aura crackling with energy as he charged at Vegeta with unbridled rage.

The words struck a nerve within Broly, his emotions teetering on the edge of control. With a primal roar, he unleashed his full power, his aura erupting in a blinding display of energy.

Vegeta's eyes widened in surprise as Broly's power surged, the sheer force of his rage overwhelming. In a flash, Broly lunged forward, his fists raining down upon Vegeta with ferocious intensity.

Caught off guard by Broly's sudden onslaught, Vegeta found himself on the defensive, his blows parried by the sheer force of Broly's onslaught. With each strike, Vegeta's resolve wavered, his pride wounded by Broly's relentless assault.

As the battle raged on, Nappa and Raditz returned to the clearing, their eyes widening in shock at the sight before them. "Vegeta!" Nappa shouted, rushing forward to intervene.

But it was too late. Broly's berserk fury knew no bounds, his attacks unrelenting as he pummeled Vegeta with unrestrained force. With each blow, Vegeta's strength waned, his body battered and bruised by Broly's overwhelming power.

Nappa and Raditz sprang into action, their combined efforts barely enough to pry Broly away from his frenzied assault. As they retreated to safety, Vegeta coughed up blood, his body battered and bruised from the encounter. He struggled to comprehend what had just transpired, his mind reeling from the sudden turn of events.

"What the hell just happened?" Vegeta demanded, his voice strained with pain as he leaned against a nearby tree for support.

Nappa shook his head, his expression grim. "I don't know, Vegeta. But we need to get out of here before Broly finds us."

Raditz scanned the area, his eyes darting nervously as he assessed their surroundings. "Agreed. Let's get back to the ship and regroup. Hopefully, Broly will calm down once we're away from here."


As the ship orbited the planet, Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz found themselves in an uneasy silence, their eyes fixed on the distant explosions that illuminated the planet's surface. The tension in the air was palpable, each moment weighed down by the uncertainty of what was to come.

In an attempt to pass the time, Vegeta and Nappa had retreated to the ship's common area, engaging in a game of cards to distract themselves from the growing sense of dread. Raditz, ever vigilant, remained at his post by the window, his gaze unwavering as he scanned the horizon for any signs of danger.

Suddenly, a beep from the computer in the cockpit broke the silence, prompting Raditz to investigate. As he disappeared into the cockpit, Vegeta and Nappa exchanged wary glances, a sense of unease settling over them.

Before they could react, they felt the ship lurch into motion. Vegeta and Nappa bolted from their seats, rushing to the cockpit to confront Raditz about the unexpected movement.

Entering the cockpit, they found Raditz standing before the control panel, his expression grave. Vegeta's anger flared at the sight, his patience wearing thin. "What the hell is going on, Raditz?" he demanded, his voice edged with frustration.

Raditz's gaze flickered between Vegeta and Nappa, his expression tense. "We have to go back to Earth. Now," he stated flatly, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Vegeta's eyes narrowed in disbelief, his fists clenched at his sides. "What do you mean, we have to go back?" he growled, his voice laced with irritation.

Raditz hesitated, his gaze darting between his companions. "Something happened on Earth," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "And if you don't want to go back, that's fine. But I am, and I'm taking the ship."

Vegeta's anger surged, his mind racing with possibilities. "What happened?" he demanded, his voice rising with each word.

Raditz's response was lost in the sudden rush of noise, his words drowned out by the roar of the ship's engines. Vegeta's frustration boiled over, his hand reaching for the console in a desperate attempt to take control.

But before he could act, Raditz's hand shot out, gripping Vegeta's wrist with surprising strength. "Wait!" he shouted, his voice tinged with urgency.

Vegeta's eyes blazed with fury as he struggled against Raditz's grip, his patience wearing thin. "Let go of me, Raditz. Now," he commanded, his voice low and menacing.

Raditz held firm, his gaze locked with Vegeta's. "Listen to me, Vegeta. We need to go back to Earth. Goka... something's happened to her," he explained, his voice heavy with sorrow.

Vegeta's anger faltered, replaced by a creeping sense of dread. His mind raced with the possibilities, each one more terrifying than the last. "What do you mean, something's happened to her?" he demanded, his voice barely above a whisper.

Vegeta, sensing Raditz's reluctance, pressed him for answers. "Tell me, Raditz. Now!"

Raditz took a deep breath, but as Raditz spoke the words, they became inaudible in Vegeta's ears, the news leaving the Saiyan prince and his comrades in a state of stunned silence.

Vegeta's jaw tightened, his knuckles turning white as he clenched his fists in frustration. "Get the ship ready," he ordered, his voice low and dangerous.

Nappa's brow furrowed in concern as he voiced his own worry. "What about Broly?" he interjected. "We can't just leave him behind."

 Vegeta's expression hardened, his resolve crystallizing as he made a decision. "Go down and look for him. But if he's still out of control, we're leaving. That planet can burn for all I care. Our priority is to get back to Earth."

With grim determination, the three Saiyan warriors sprang into action, their minds filled with dread and uncertainty as they prepared to confront whatever awaited them on their return to Earth.

a/n- ahhhhh you will have to wait to see what happened on Earth later this week!! I hope everyone is enjoying the story! Much love to all the readers! 

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