7 • The Jamboree

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Asher drove us down in my car and we jammed the whole way down. As we were pulling into the hotel's parking lot I noticed how packed it was. It was hard for Asher to find a spot and then I finally spotted one pointing it out. Parking the car he turned towards me.

There were people driving and walking everywhere. I had never saw this many people in one location at a time, and that was coming from me.

"Baby, you guys head in okay? Have Carly check Zena's room and your guy's room in. Carly, if they let you will you check me and Jessie in? Baby, bring me back the luggage thing and I'll load all of our stuff up!" we nodded our heads and he turned his attention to Zena, "Do not leave Carly's side until you find Kelly or you get in your hotel room. I don't want something happening to you," nodding her head the three of us headed inside.

I could feel his gaze on us the entire walk inside. Carly and Zena hopped in line to check in and I grabbed the luggage trolley. Looking back to Carly she gave me a thumbs up and I headed back outside to Asher. He opened the trunk and I began helping him load the bags onto it. We stuffed it tall as it contained, his, Alli's, Carly's, Zena's and mine. Asher carefully wheeled it inside and I led him as he couldn't see.

Carly and Zena walked over to us as we entered the crowded lobby. Waving the key cards Carly leaded the way to the elevator. The four of us stepped inside and carefully managed to get the trolley inside as well.

"What floor are we all on?" I sparked the conversation and Zena handed Asher two key cards.

"We all managed to get the sixth floor. Asher is room 622, and Kelly and I are in 612," Zena answered me and turned to Carly. Carly handed me a key card in a little envelope and she was giggling.

"We're in room 623," Asher's face lit up as Carly filled me in making me laugh.

"Right across the hall huh? I wonder if Alli got that lucky," Asher made his comment and I decided to tease Carly.

"Hey babe? Could you maybe find out what room Carter is in?" Carly's face went crimson as I voiced my question. Slugging my arm Carly looked to see what floor we were passing.

"Carter Adams? Is that who Carly disappeared with at the party the other night? Yeah we were missing you," her face flushed harder and she reached over slugging Asher.

"It would be nice to know but I don't even know if he likes me," cutting Carly off Zena and I spoke at the same time.

"He gave you his jersey!"

"Girl please! You're wearing his jersey tomorrow!" giggling Zena and I were the first to step off the elevator hearing the ding.

"That's actually dope Car, he's a really good dude," hearing Asher comforting my girl behind me I felt a smile stretch across my face.

He truly was so sweet.

Stepping off they carefully got the trolley off as well. Zena grabbed her bags and waved us goodbye as she walked down the left side of the elevator. We watched until she successfully was in her room before we turned to find ours.

We got to the rooms and Carly swiped the card making the flashing red go green. She pushed open the door and led us inside. Ash followed us in and politely set our bags down. Kissing my cheek he waved to Carly.

"I'm gonna load my bags up and then take this back downstairs. Probably gonna find the boys before the dinner, but you'll sit with me yeah?" nodding my head he kissed my cheek again and exited the room.

"We should probably change into our pjs huh?" Carly's voice sounded from behind me and I waved her off.

"We have time for that. Let's take a break from the craziness," walking over to my bag I grabbed a baggie and pulled it out showing Carly. A smile broke out on her face and she crossed her arms at me.

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