4 • After

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The next morning I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine, and in my pajamas. Sleeping beside me Asher was soundly asleep. We laid cuddled together and I noticed he was in just his boxers. Memories of last night flooded in and I held my head in my hands.

•flashback to last night

After we got halfway through the joints I felt overwhelmed. I had never been this stoned before, and I had been drinking.

My head was heavy and I needed to get out of here. Picking up on my discomfort Carly pretended to get a text.

"Hey Char! Alli is wondering where we are we should go. I have perfume in my bag," Asher gave us a funny look as we got up but moved closer to Ryan to give Zoe a real seat. They continued the rotation as we walked away. Finally getting out of earshot Carly led me inside a bathroom.

"Hey listen, I know that was a lot for you. Listen I'm gonna lock the door okay?" nodding my head at her I opened the window partly and sat down on the floor. I watched as Carly locked the door and grabbed a wash cloth. She wet it down with warm water and came to sit beside me.


"No stop it's alright. I'm right here and I got you. Here drink this, and put this on the back of your neck," I moved my hair as she placed the cloth down and I took the bottle of water from her. I took a few sips and turned towards the breeze coming in through the window. It felt amazing on my burning skin.

Carly was the best friend I could ever wished for.

She dropped everything to make sure I was alright, and even now here she sat beside me.

"Hey you okay?" a few minutes had gone by and surprisingly I was feeling slightly better. I turned to Carly and laughed with her.

"Girl how fucked up is too fucked up?" giggling together she stood me to my feet. We closed the window and put the cloth in the shower. Exiting the bathroom together we headed back downstairs to the party. We headed to the kitchen and Carly handed me a plate with two pieces of pizza on it. I sent her a look of love and gracefully ate the first slice.

Slowly I felt the high coming down and I flashed her a thankful expression. She waved me off and grabbed some pizza for herself as we headed to the backyard. Outside the party had calmed down, and everyone who was outside was either one of two places; surrounding beer pong, or they were at the ginormous fire pit.

Maddi and Kenzo were playing beer pong against Lane and Spencer and they had a huge crowd gathered around. They waved as we walked through and we returned the favor with smiles. Making our way over to the fire pit we decided to share a seat together.

Across from us Ashlynn sat with Ellie and Jake on either side of her. I looked around and saw that Lacey was sitting a few chairs down from us. She friendly waved at us and ignored the daggers from Ellie and Ashlynn. A few more people gathered and sat down.

Alli, Jessie, Pene, and Sam all walked up with a few more of our classmates and they all took a seat as well. Alli sat on our right, while Pene sat on our left, and the boys sat on either side of them.

Looking across the fire at us a challenging look played in Ashlynn's face. She leaned forward and picked up another Smirnoff out of the cooler.

"How about we play a game?" she opened her beer as she said this and looked around the fire pit.

"Let's play truth or dare?" a guy walked up offering the idea took an empty chair. A few agreed to the game and I glanced at the girls.

"I'm sorry isn't this for kids? Like what are we twelve?" laughing in my face Ashlynn looked over at Ellie, and then she turned back towards me.

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