2 • Being The New Girl

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Waking up in Colorado was a lot different from New York. This was my first morning, and I didn't want to waste it.

Hearing the annoying shrill of my morning alarm I hit the button silencing it. Checking my phone I realized it was six forty-five AM. I had until seven-twenty AM for my first Colorado sunrise.

Living in the city you only saw the morning sun once it reached above the skyscrapers. I've always been curious to know what it would be like to watch it, completely rise from the ground to the sky. Call it a little dream, but I was about to experience it.

Standing out of bed I slipped my feet into my slippers. They felt warm on this cold morning floor. Walking across the room I grabbed a sweater and made my way downstairs.

The aroma of coffee and French toast filled my nose and I made my way down the main staircase. Entering the kitchen I leaned against the doorframe quietly, and I observed the scene before me.

In the kitchen Rose was pouring herself a mug of coffee, on the counter sat a bottle of caramel macchiato creamer, and a glass bottle filled with what looked to be sugar. On the island behind her was eight place settings laid out.

At the end of the table sat Bailey in a high chair, and he was making quite the mess with his morning French Toast. Upon seeing me Bailey started babbling and gesturing for me to pick him up. I just laughed a little and walked further into the kitchen, so now my aunt knew I was here.

"Charlie! Oh my gosh you scared me!" starting her I realized I probably should've announced a good morning or something.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to see where the smell was coming from."

"Are you hungry honey? I have plenty of French Toast frying up. We always have a big breakfast for the kiddos. What're you doing up so early? School isn't until eight. What time is it?"

"No, you're fine Aunt Rose. I set my alarm as I wanted to watch my first Colorado sunrise. In the city you don't get to see very many sunrises or sunsets. Just when it's high enough to be above the buildings."

Turning towards me she set down her spatula. She wore a kitchen apron, and she had flour on her nose. I'm sure she wasn't aware, and if she was well she was making it work.

"Come with me."

"Wait we can't leave Bailey!"

"Oh he'll be fine for a moment," walking out of the kitchen I realized she still had French toast on the stove as well. Following my aunt out of the room we walked down the hall and into a room I had yet to discover.

Realizing it was an home library I was amazed. I had saw anything like this back in New York. Sure, we had huge libraries, but not like this one. This one the walls were nothing but shelves that wrapped around the whole thing. There was a ladder built into the wall that you could use to get to any part of the room's shelving. It was easily one of the most exquisite libraries I have had the pleasure of entering.

In the middle of the room was a wooden desk with a lamp. Uncle Lewie sat in the chair, busily going through a stack and filling out forms of all sorts. Hearing us enter the room he turned around in his chair and looked up to his wife.

"Rose, what is it?"

"Go watch Bailey, and finish breakfast for the kids please. Charlie and I are going to the arch. She's never saw a sunrise and I figured her first one should be the best one," watching a smile emerge on his face he stood from his chair. Tossing his pen onto the desk he turned his gaze towards me.

"You're in for a treat my dear, go grab a morning mug and meet your aunt out front. If I were you, I'd hurry!" Looking between the two of them I was certainly confused, but I wasn't going to complain.

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