Chapter 39: Time (not in our favor)

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Ryujin's POV

The venue was just outside their house, an expanse of celebration befitting Hyunjin's birthday. It was impossible and unthinkable that she'd be leaving, especially on such a significant occasion.

Even though she probably hates me right now, I know for a fact that she won't just leave; she's not like me.

I exchanged a knowing look with Hyunjin, and he discreetly gestured inside the house.

My response was a subtle nod, understanding the silent communication between us.

Amidst the lively crowd, I scanned the faces of the revelers, hoping to catch a glimpse of Yeji. However, she seemed elusive, a phantom slipping through the festive throng.

Attempting to reach her by phone proved futile as each call went unanswered, leaving me with a growing sense of unease.

Driven by an instinctive urgency and hunch leading me to her room as the probable sanctuary.

The resonance of my knocks reverberated through the door, the echoes intertwining with the lively sounds of the ongoing celebration. The lack of response, however, failed to deter my determination.

Swiftly, I descended the stairs and approached Hyujin, a sense of urgency etched across my face. "Why the rush?" he inquired, a genuine concern etched in his expression.

"Keys! I need the keys to Yeji's room," I urgently replied.

Without hesitation, he darted inside their house, retrieving the keys and swiftly making his way to Yeji's room. The door swung open under the guidance of the keys gripped tightly in his hands.

Reacting instinctively, I rushed inside, only to be met with an eerie silence-not a single soul concealed within the room's confines.

"Where is she?" I whispered, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and uncertainty.

Suddenly, the muffled sounds of hurried footsteps reached us, and Chaeryeong panted as she revealed, "She left."

"What?" Hyunjin exclaimed, his disbelief mirroring my own.

My hands trembled, a visceral response to the overwhelming realization that Yeji had departed-a choice she rarely made. Was this a sign that she had finally given up on me?

"She's not answering calls," Hyunjin added, his frustration seeping through his words.

Unable to contain the rush of emotions, I sank onto Yeji's bed, feeling the weight of the situation settle in.

Chaeryeong, sensing the waves of distress washing over me, silently settled beside me, her mere presence offering a comforting refuge. The gentle taps on my back from her provided a consoling rhythm, a tender expression of understanding in the face of turmoil.

"I'm sorry, but this is quite dramatic," Lia commented as she entered the room. Her casual tone met with simultaneous glares from the three of us. "Okay, I'm sorry," she quickly amended, realizing the gravity of the situation.

Hyunjin cut straight to the chase. "What happened?" he demanded, facing me, a mixture of concern and frustration etched on his face.

Silently, my gaze remained fixed on the ground, a heavy weight of unspoken words hanging in the air.

"Ryujin, what the hell happened?" He raised his voice, the urgency palpable.

"I'm leaving," I finally confessed, the admission hanging heavy in the room.

They all stared at me, a collective disbelief etched on their faces.

Chaeryeong, breaking the silence, asked, "What do you mean?"

"We're going to talk later," Hyunjin declared, leaving the room in a rush, presumably in search of Yeji.

I followed suit, with Chaeryeong and Lia trailing behind as we made our way to the car.

As soon as I sank into the seat, the weight of my confession overwhelmed me, and I sobbed openly.

"I don't know why I was so afraid to tell her," I admitted, the vulnerability of my emotions laid bare.

Lia assumed control of the driving, and I sat there, feeling defeated and lost.

"She always told me how much she'd love it if I finally talked to my family again," I shared, my voice choked with emotion.

"She will support you," Chaeryeong whispered reassuringly.

"I know, but I didn't want to leave her," I uttered, the ache of parting evident in every word.

"You know long-distance relationships work, right?" Lia interjected.

"I perfectly know," I responded.

"Then-" Lia started.

"I love her," I whispered, the admission hanging in the air like a fragile truth.

A profound stillness enveloped us, the outside world seemingly frozen, as I finally let the words escape me.

"Part of the reason why I didn't tell her is because I don't want to leave without expressing my feelings," I confessed. "And I've never been someone who knows how to articulate my emotions."

"We understand," Lia said, her voice carrying a feeling of support as she drove to an unknown destination.

"Am I a bad person because I often run away when I need to face my feelings?" I managed a smile despite the weight of my admission.

Chaeryeong, however, cut straight to the heart of the matter. "You're not, but I need you to help me understand why you two are suddenly at war."

"I guess time wasn't in our favor," I chuckled, my gaze fixated on the world outside the window.

A heavy silence lingered, prompting me to break it once more.

"It wasn't about me not telling her that I would leave anymore," I explained, the weight of my admission hanging heavily in the air. "It was the thought of confessing. I was afraid to ask her to be my girlfriend."

"I've always been scared, and now I fear she can't wait anymore. I'm afraid I've run out of time," I voiced out, laying bare the vulnerability beneath my words. "I know that she knew I was leaving before I could even tell her."

At that moment, my phone rang, and as I glimpsed the caller ID, a flicker of life returned to my seemingly dead heart.

"Yeji, where are you?" I anxiously asked.

There was a pregnant pause before she finally spoke, her words cutting through the charged atmosphere. "I'm somewhere safe," she uttered, a cryptic message laden with the weight of unspoken truths. "You probably know this place, but don't come."

"Yeji, please," I implored, my voice faltering under the weight of the emotions swirling within me.

"I still can't talk to you. I'm not ready," she explained, her words delivering a heavy blow to my hopes.

"That's fine, I-" I began to respond.

"You can do whatever you want; you can leave me. It's fine," she said, her words cutting through the charged air.

A sharp pang of heartbreak surged through me, and tears blurred my vision. The pain was visceral; I had merely four days left, but now it felt like I had no reason to stay.

And once again, I was afraid, deciding to let go rather than confess, something I always do.

Author's Note: As we approach the final chapter (Chapter 40), then an epilogue after that, which is still in the works, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has supported this story. Your reads, likes, and comments are appreciated. Thank you for being a part of this journey, and I hope you still look forward to its end.

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