Chapter 17: Starry Night (not ready to speak)

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Yeji's POV

"I'm sure you don't mind losing," Ryujin teased.

"Whatever," Yuna replied, a competitive edge sharpening her tone.

As Ryujin prepared to throw the bowling ball, a confident smirk played on her lips. The ball glided effortlessly down the lane, striking all the pins with precision. A triumphant grin adorned Ryujin's face, her satisfaction evident in the flawless execution.

Determined not to be outdone, Yuna pushed her aside and selected her own bowling ball. With a smooth roll, the ball traversed the lane, but alas, one pin remained defiantly standing.

"Yeji, is Minho coming?" I.N. inquired, breaking the competitive atmosphere.

Glancing at my phone, I saw no reply from Minho. "I don't think so; he's not replying."

Yuna chimed in, teasing, "You're just dating, yet he's not putting in his best effort to impress you."

"Maybe he's just busy," I defended, attempting to brush off the comment.

Turning my attention to the bowling alley, I noticed Ryujin providing Lia with guidance on the proper throwing technique.

"Go, Unnie!" Yuna cheered, adding a touch of encouragement.

With determination, Lia smiled and took her turn. However, when the ball veered to the side, earning a collective laugh from us, she shrugged and said, "When will I get good at this?"

Feeling confident, I stood up and selected a bowling ball. Ryujin's intense gaze bore into me, her eyes capturing my every move.

Upon releasing the ball, it mimicked Lia's trajectory, veering to the side. Laughter filled the air as Lia joked, "I thought you were the best at it when you walked so confidently."

"Confidence is the key," I chuckled, shrugging off my not-so-impressive throw.

Resuming my seat on the couch, I observed Ryujin as she confidently selected another bowling ball. The neon lights of the alley reflected in her focused eyes, giving her an almost ethereal glow.

With a seamless motion, she slid the ball down the lane. The metallic clatter echoed through the alley as the pins scattered. All of them succumbed to her skill, leaving not one standing-a testament to her prowess.

A collective cheer erupted from our group, celebrating Ryujin's perfect shot. I joined in the applause, acknowledging her remarkable display.

When she turned her gaze back to us, her eyes met mine first. A fleeting moment of connection unfolded, an unspoken understanding that transcended the playful competition.

However, just as quickly as our eyes locked, Ryujin looked away, diverting her attention elsewhere.

As we left the bowling alley, we made our way to a nearby cafeteria.

Chaeryeong announced, "My treat."

"Woah, I like that," I.N. commented.

The lively atmosphere of the cafeteria enveloped the group as they settled into a corner booth, each eagerly discussing their bowling triumphs and defeats.

"Chaeryeong, seriously, your treat? What's the occasion?" Lia teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Chaeryeong chuckled. "No occasion; just felt like treating my awesome friends today."

"Well, in that case, I'm getting the most expensive thing on the menu," I.N. declared with a grin.

"Ugh, typical freeloader," Yuna rolled her eyes, a hint of irritation in her tone.

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