Chapter 18: Remembering to Forget (not ready to talk)

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Yeji's POV

The morning sun cast a warm glow through my bedroom window, signaling the start of a new day. With the usual routine unfolding, my brother Hyunjin knocked on my door, unexpectedly disrupting the familiar pattern.

"Go out. Someone's outside for you," he said cryptically, leaving me puzzled as I made my way to the living room. There, I found Minho, his smile radiating warmth.

"Good morning, beautiful," Minho greeted, his eyes crinkling with genuine affection.

Returning the smile, I playfully responded, "Good morning, handsome. What brings you here?"

Minho's smile faltered slightly. "Sorry for not contacting you yesterday. I was busy."

"That's what I said to them." I chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "So, what kept you so occupied?"

Caught off guard, Minho hesitated, his expression slightly suspicious. "Uh, there are some projects that I can't leave."

Raising an amused eyebrow, I pressed, "Okay, spill. What are you hiding?"

Stammering, Minho admitted, "Well, I... um, did some work that I can't really talk about. It's not that exciting, honestly."

Deciding not to press further, I let it slide. "Alright, mystery man. Why are you here?"

Minho smoothly changed the subject, attempting to lighten the mood. "I just wanted to make up for not contacting you and, you know, get you to school. So, shall we?"

Smirking, I agreed, "Wait, let me grab my bag."

As we strolled towards school, the complexities of the previous night were momentarily set aside, and the morning unfolded with shared laughter and moments.

The school day kicked off with a blend of mundane lectures and intricate lessons, the teacher's voice a distant hum as I navigated the tangle of thoughts. 

During the history lecture, boredom crept in, and my mind wandered into the realm of my own musings. Engrossed in my own thoughts, the instructor calling my name snapped me back to reality.

"Yeji, can you enlighten the class about the implications of the Yalta Conference on post-war Europe?"

Confidently, I responded, "The Yalta Conference, held in 1945, marked a pivotal moment in history where the Allied leaders—Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt—deliberated on the post-war reorganization of Europe. It set the stage for the division of Germany and the emergence of the Cold War."

The classmates exchanged glances, perhaps surprised by the succinct yet comprehensive answer.

Lunch provided a brief respite, and our group gathered in our usual spot. Lia, despite being in a different class, joined in with her witty remarks, adding an extra layer of humor to the mundane conversations.

Afternoon classes continued, and the mathematics session proved to be particularly challenging. Even with Chaeryeong's whispered explanations, the complexities of the equations left my mind in a state of confusion.

The day transitioned to physical education, and the volleyball session took center stage. The sun beat down on the court as beads of sweat formed on our brows, intensifying the competitive atmosphere. 

Frustration, like a dormant volcano, simmered beneath the surface as I struggled to contribute to the impromptu match.

The opposing team executed a powerful smash, and my teammates rallied to return it. However, as the ball hurtled back towards me, I gripped the volleyball tightly, determination in my eyes. The anticipation heightened as I prepared for the smash, only to send it soaring out of bounds. 

The collective groan from my team echoed my internal frustration.

The cycle of near misses and errors continued. Whether it was the ball hitting the net or slipping through my fingers, each mistake added to the mounting pressure.

“Yeji, focus!” Our PE teacher's voice boomed across the court, cutting through the rhythmic thuds of the ball.

Closing my eyes, I took a moment to collect myself, releasing a sigh of exasperation. The court, filled with the sounds of the game, became a battleground where my desire to prove myself clashed with the reality of my struggles.

Chaeryeong's concerned inquiry resonated as I battled to assert myself in the competitive game.

"Are you okay, Yeji?" Chaeryeong asked, genuine concern etched on her face.

Forcing a smile, I nodded. "Yes, I'm fine. I'm just not the best at this game."

After the game, I trudged to the lockers, my shoulders slumping with the weight of frustration. 

Chaeryeong, my ever-supportive friend, caught up with me.

“You sure you're okay?” Chaeryeong asked, her eyes reflecting genuine concern.

I managed a nod. “I am; don't worry,” I reassured her, attempting to summon a smile to mask my disappointment.

“Going out for the night; you're coming?” she inquired, her tone shifting to a more lighthearted one.

“Nah, gonna cling to my bed,” I replied with a half-hearted grin, not in the mood for the upcoming gathering.

“Everyone will be there, even Minho,” she mentioned, trying to entice me.

I looked at her, puzzled. “I'll pass,” I said, my mind preoccupied with the day's frustrations.

“Alright, see you tomorrow then,” she said, giving my shoulder a supportive pat as she left for the evening plans.

As night settled, casting long shadows across the parking lot, I noticed Ryujin walking toward me. The dim glow of streetlights added a surreal quality to the moment, and the mere sight of her stirred a mix of emotions.

Hesitating to engage in conversation, I glanced at the moonlit surroundings. The city sounds became a distant melody, and the cool night air carried a sense of calm.

However, before I could slip away into the shadows, Ryujin gently took hold of my hands, determination etched on her face.

"Yeji, I'm sorry for last night," Ryujin uttered, her voice sincere.

A cool breeze swept through the night air, but my response held a steely resolve. "I don't think something happened last night."

As Ryujin released my hand, I continued to walk into the night, leaving her standing in the shadows.

It wasn't a matter of forgetting; it was a deliberate act of avoiding the memories that lurked in the recesses of my mind. I did not forget; I just don't want to remember.

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