Chapter 38: Whispers (not heard)

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Ryujin's POV

The night unfolded at Hyunjin's birthday party, a casual gathering brimming with youthful energy and the vibrant hum of laughter. The venue, adorned with twinkling fairy lights, created an intimate and warm ambiance.

People clustered together, each with a drink in hand, their conversations blending into the rhythmic beats of the music playing in the background.

In one corner, a makeshift bar boasted an array of colorful cocktails and drinks, each concoction adding to the lively atmosphere. The air was filled with the clinking of glasses and the occasional burst of laughter as they raised toasts in celebration.

Amidst the mingling crowd, the scent of various cuisines wafted through the air, tempting taste buds with the promise of delectable treats. Plates of finger foods and snacks circulated among the guests, creating a communal atmosphere of shared enjoyment.

As the night progressed, a stage came alive with the presence of a talented band, their instruments tuned to perfection. The lead singer's voice resonated with emotion, carrying the crowd into a melodic journey.

The rhythmic strumming of guitars and the beat of the drums added a dynamic energy to the celebration, transforming the gathering into a lively concert under the starry night.

"Whoa, this is some party," Lia marveled, her eyes reflecting the captivating atmosphere.

"Ryujinnnn!" Hyunjin called out, turning to Lia with a grin. "Hi, Lia."

"Hi, happy birthday," Lia greeted, presenting Hyunjin with a carefully wrapped gift.

"You didn't have to," Hyunjin protested, a genuine smile playing on his lips.

"Nah, that's just some white wine," Lia casually dismissed the notion of formality.

"Happy birthday," I chimed in, sharing the warmth of the celebration.

"Thanks," Hyunjin replied with gratitude before leaning in to whisper to me, "Whatever is happening between you and my sister, please find a way to solve it."

I offered him a nod of understanding and a small smile, appreciating the genuine concern in his eyes. "Uhm, about the gift."

Hyunjin laughed, the carefree atmosphere embracing us.

Just as we settled into the festive mood, the vocalist of the band seized the microphone, announcing, "Who wants to sing with us?"

"Here," Hyunjin volunteered, pointing dramatically at me.

The sudden spotlight prompted an instinctive reaction, and I couldn't resist punching his stomach.

"You don't have a gift, right? Then sing," Hyunjin suggested, a mischievous spark in his eyes.

"No way," I protested.

"Will you say no to the birthday boy, miss?" the vocalist chimed in, teasingly.

Hyunjin pulled a cute face, attempting to look pitiful. Oh, how I wanted to punch him for it.

However, my attention shifted as I noticed Yeji walking toward one of the tables.

"Alright, I'll do it for the birthday boy," I declared, playfully teasing him with the term the vocalist had coined for Hyunjin.

I shot Lia a smile, and she responded with an encouraging thumbs up before I made my way toward the band.

The guitarist's fingers danced delicately across the strings, conjuring a melody that floated through the air like a gentle breeze.

The drummer's rhythmic beats echoed the pulse of the party, harmonizing with the soft hum of conversation and laughter.

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