Chapter 5: Relationship (not us)

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Yeji's POV

As I strolled alongside Ryujin in the quiet university courtyard, an unusual sight with no one else around, she playfully grabbed a basketball and asked, "Are you good at basketball now?"

With a playful grin, I responded, "I've always been good at that. Can I help it if I'm naturally talented?"

Ryujin chuckled, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Can I laugh?"

I shrugged, maintaining my playful tone. "Well, just look at our height."

Without missing a beat, Ryujin tossed me the ball, clearly intrigued by my challenge. "What's my height supposed to do with this?"

I caught the ball and smirked, taunting her, "Literally, almost every real basketball player... is tall."

Ryujin raised an eyebrow, her competitive spirit kicking in. "So are you challenging me, Yeji?"

I let out a light laugh, shaking my head. Well, I don't really like basketball. I just like challenging her. I gestured towards Ryujin, who had a reputation for excelling in almost everything she pursued.

She's the competitive one, you know? She excels in almost everything, and it's crazy.

We commenced our impromptu basketball showdown, the sun casting a warm glow over the empty court. I dribbled the ball, my heart pounding with anticipation. I struggled to maintain control, the ball occasionally slipping from my grasp.

With determination, I aimed for the hoop, but the ball sailed wide, missing its mark.

Ryujin couldn't contain her laughter at my attempt, and I shot her a playful glare. "I don't appreciate the laugh, it's too loud."

She shrugged, retrieving the ball and stepping up for her turn. As she dribbled with grace, her movements were precise and confident. She took her shot but, to my surprise, missed it as well.

This time, it was my turn to chuckle. "Seems like you're not so invincible after all."

Ryujin, always up for a challenge, flashed a mischievous grin. "How about this, Yeji? If I make this shot, you owe me lunch."

I didn't hesitate to agree. "Deal."

With dramatic flair, Ryujin dribbled the ball, her eyes locked on the hoop. She confidently released the ball, and it sailed through the net, leaving me in awe as my jaw dropped.

Ryujin retrieved the ball with a triumphant smile. "Well, I guess I have a free lunch coming."

I couldn't help but wonder if she had intentionally missed her previous shot or if it was just a stroke of luck. "Were you just pretending that you missed the first one, or did you get lucky this time?"

Ryujin simply smirked and replied, "Yeji, you know I'm good at this."

I was determined to redeem myself and took the ball from Ryujin. With a deep breath, I dribbled it, my eyes fixed on the hoop. "If I can make this shot, you have to answer my question honestly and directly."

Ryujin agreed with a nod, ready for the challenge. "Deal."

As I prepared to shoot, I felt the pressure weighing on me. Unfortunately, my attempt went wide, missing the basket completely. Ryujin burst into laughter at the miss, and my frustration was evident.

Noticing my frustration, Ryujin decided to step in and help. She approached me and adjusted my stance, holding my hand gently.

She whispered instructions, her voice sending a tingling sensation down my nape.

I tried to concentrate, but my mixed emotions made it difficult. I finally couldn't take it anymore and asked, "Can you step away for a second?"

Confused, Ryujin asked, "Why? What did I do?"

"Just please," I replied, my voice quivering.

Ryujin reluctantly stepped back. I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts and emotions. Finally, I shot the ball, and this time, it swished through the net, a sense of accomplishment washing over me.

My joy overflowed as the ball swished through the net. I let out a triumphant scream and couldn't help but hug Ryujin tightly in my elation.

Ryujin chuckled at my enthusiasm. "Look at that, I'm not just good at playing basketball; I'm also a great coach. Can you believe it?"

Playfully, I gave her a little shove, making Ryujin laugh. "Alright, alright," Ryujin conceded.

I seized the opportunity to get to my question. "So, now that you lost the bet, you have to answer honestly."

"Alright shoot" Ryujin said

"Have you ever considered getting into a serious relationship?" I asked

Ryujin furrowed her brow in thought. "With basketball?"

I shook my head, my expression serious. "No, not that. I mean, with your relationships, Ryujin, have you ever thought about getting into a serious relationship?"

Ryujin paused for a moment before replying honestly, "No, I haven't. I'm not ready for that."

I nodded understandingly. "Well that's your choice. Just promise me you won't hurt anyone."

Ryujin met my gaze. "They know what they're getting into when they choose to be with me. Don't worry, I've always been clear about it."

Ryujin reclaimed the basketball and grinned mischievously at me. "Alright, if I make this shot, you have to answer my question. Deal?"

I agreed with a nod. "Deal."

Without missing a beat, Ryujin confidently dribbled the ball and launched it toward the hoop. It sailed through the net effortlessly, and she strutted over to me with a smirk, placing her hands on my waist.

"Now you, I wanna ask, are you open for a relationship?" Ryujin asked with a knowing look.

I stammered in response, caught off guard. "Huh? What do you mean?"

Ryujin chuckled and clarified, "I mean, you and that guy. You're dating, right?"

I blushed and replied uncertainly, "I don't think we're dating, but..."

Ryujin interrupted me with laughter. "Well, if you are and he asks you to be his girlfriend, you'd say yes, right?"

I hesitated before finally admitting, "Maybe..."

Ryujin playfully scolded me. "Yes or no, Yeji, not maybe."

I chuckled, my cheeks still flushed. "Perhaps."

Our laughter filled the court as we enjoyed this light-hearted moment between friends.

A/N: This brief chapter is the result of my creativity deciding to take a little siesta. 🙃😭

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