Chapter 36: Leaving, Doubting, Confusing (Why Not Say Goodbye?)

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Ryujin's POV

Throughout the day, Yeji had been avoiding me, leaving tension between us that I couldn't quite comprehend.

Determined to return the watch she left at the apartment the night before, I sought her out, only to find her skillfully avoiding any proximity to me.

Frustration and confusion simmered within, prompting a thought to make her jealous—a strategy that had worked in the past.

But the memory of past actions weighed heavily on my conscience, and I hesitated to resort to such tactics, not wanting to hurt Yeji in the process or use anyone.

As I pondered my dilemma, Lia, with a wide smile on her face, approached me, sensing my internal conflict. "You look like you have a problem," she observed.

Unable to mask my feelings, I confessed, "Yeji's avoiding me."

Lia's expression shifted to understanding. "Oh," she replied, glancing in Yeji's direction. "She's just right there."

"I know, but she won't even look my way," I admitted.

With a knowing nod, Lia remarked, "The two of you have some serious issues to talk about."

"But how do I do that if she won't talk to me?" I questioned, genuine concern etched on my face.

"Did you try? Did you tell her you want to talk?" Lia inquired, her insight cutting through the fog of confusion.

"I did exactly that, but she acted like she didn't hear me. We were fine yesterday," I explained, the frustration evident in my voice.

Lia discreetly observed Yeji from a distance, a hint of mischief in her eyes, before turning back to me. "She's definitely looking at you right now," she remarked, her tone carrying a blend of amusement and encouragement.

"What?" I asked, feeling a sudden rush of anxiety.

"Eyes, flaming red, mad," Lia described with a smirk.

"That's... that's her," I muttered.

"Kiss me," Lia suggested abruptly.

"What?" I nearly screamed, taken aback by the unexpected proposal.

"Nah, just act like you will," she said casually, subtly adjusting my body so that my back was now facing Yeji.

Resisting the awkwardness, I gently removed Lia's hands from my face. "Let's not do that," I insisted, feeling the discomfort of the situation.

Lia, however, maintained a mischievous smirk and declared, "Mission success."

Just as I processed the bizarre turn of events, Yeji approached us, her expression a mix of confusion and anger. "Ryujin, can I talk to you?" she asked, her voice tinged with intensity.

"Oh, hi Yeji," Lia greeted with feigned innocence, adding a layer of complexity to the unfolding drama.

"Of course, we need to talk," I replied, my tone serious, despite the lingering awkwardness.

As we traversed the hallways in silence, tension hung in the air like a palpable force. Upon finding an empty room, I couldn't resist; I pulled her close and pressed my lips to hers.

At first, I anticipated resistance and lingering anger, but to my surprise, she responded immediately. The kiss intensified, my hands cradling her cheeks as I gently pushed her against the wall. Our fingers intertwined, finding solace in the connection as the world outside the room ceased to exist.

In the midst of the passionate exchange, I sought out her watch from my pocket. As we pulled away, breathless and craving more, I presented it to her. "You left it last night," I said, breaking the spell momentarily.

She hesitated for a moment before accepting it. "Yeah."

As she stayed silent, I caressed her cheeks and seized the opportunity to confront the issue. "Talk. Why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm not," she asserted, but her eyes betrayed a different story.

"Don't lie," I insisted, my gaze unwavering.

In response, she kissed me once again, with so much force that it felt different. There's something she's not telling me.

"Yeji," I gasped, more like a moan, as the intensity of the kiss overwhelmed me.

With our foreheads pressed together, our breaths heavy and labored, she finally spoke, "I hate how I feel seeing you with someone else." She bit her tongue, as if realizing she had let slip a truth she hadn't intended to reveal. "I mean..."

Not giving her a chance to dwell on the unfinished sentence, I kissed her again, the intensity escalating as she responded with equal fervor. "I'm getting addicted to this," I admitted between breaths, my words echoing in the charged air of the room.

As our foreheads met once more, she confronted the lingering doubts that hung between us. "Is this what you do with others too?"

I was taken aback, then she talked again. "Is this what you're going to do with them after me?" she questioned, a bitter tone underscoring her words.

Her question hit a nerve; the push-and-pull dynamic we had been entangled in for so long suddenly felt heavier. The fact that I hadn't been with anyone else since acknowledging my growing feelings for her added complexity to her accusations, a truth not lost on either of us.

"You think I'm playing with you?" I retorted, the hurt evident in my voice.

"Isn't that what you do?" she shot back, her eyes reflecting a mixture of anger and insecurity.

"You're doubting me," I stated, my frustration building.

"Did you give me assurance?" she countered.

"Why are you suddenly like this?" I asked, taking a step back as the weight of the conversation bore down on me.

The bell rang, tempting me to escape the stifling room. Yeji pressed on, her eyes searching for answers. "Are you keeping secrets from me?" she demanded, a raw vulnerability lingering beneath her words.

Before I could respond, she continued, her bitterness palpable. "You can't even admit to yourself that you don't know what love is," she remarked, the words carrying a heavy sense of resignation. "Oh, I forgot; this, whatever this is, is just having fun for you."

"Yeji, you're different," I asserted, desperately attempting to convey the depth of my emotions.

Yet, expressing the intricacies of my feelings proved elusive; I stood frozen, helpless, as I watched with my own eyes how she was slipping through my fingers.

"Am I? Oh, right, I'm your so-called 'best friend,'" she scoffed, air-quoting the words with a bitter tone.

Overwhelmed by the escalating tension, I found myself at the door, aching for release from the stifling atmosphere of the room.

But just before I could make my escape, her words pierced through the silence, and I knew right then and there that she knew, "You're leaving; of course you are."

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