Chapter 30 (The Guardian) Part I

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Location: The far edge of the Great Grass Plains, on the planet Naboo

He had felt the moments leading up to her heart's final beat. He had felt her fear and hopelessness overtaking everything else: Her "Death Scream"!

Unfortunately, this was not the first time he had felt such feelings in the force. Every time an individual had been killed within close proximity, he could hear the voice of that individual cry out in the force and then succumb to the eternal silence.

In the case of a loved one, he could feel such a disturbance from any distance. He had felt it when Mara, Chewy, and Anikan had fallen. He had just felt it now with Dena.

No! He could still save her! He had never been more powerful than he was at this very moment. Anything was possible! But first he had to end the onslaught he was currently holding at bay

Four Sith Biots, three Mandalorians, and five Yuuzhan Vong were currently surrounding him, pressing their attack with every weapon at their disposal. The Sith had put up a force bubble around Luke, preventing him from teleporting himself to Dena's side.

Earlier, He had hesitated from killing any of his attackers. He didn't know what the consequences of their death would be. But he was past that now. If there was still even the slightest chance...

His enemies couldn't sense the grave danger they were in when he leapt 10 meters straight into the air. As he started to fall back down to the surface, he boosted the speed of his descent, striking  the ground on one knee, fist first. At the moment of impact, he had transformed into pure energy, releasing a deadly force wave of destruction. In an instant, the wave vaporized the entire encirclement of Sith, Mandos, and Biots. He could feel the exact moment the force bubble ceased, and he didn't waste a second. In a flash of smoke and light, he was gone.

The Mandalorians had just lost their new leader, and now they faced a power they could not even begin to comprehend.

At the sight of Luke's devastating attack on their comrades, one word came over all their helmet comms: "Retreat".

Some fled by Jetpack, others on foot. Nogri warriors began chasing after the fleeing Mandalorians, but Sea'Yawna halted their advance:

"Stop! Let them Go! Let them go!"
She shouted and they obeyed her.

After all, a threat leaving the battlefield was a win in itself.
Besides, the Yuuzhan Biots, were too stupid or too stubborn to flee. Someone still needed to stay and fight them.

Malgus had given the artificial beings an objective, and their obedience had been hardwired into their artificial brain. At least now, the enemy numbers had been reduced.

Leia was starting to get worried. Luke had been drifting further and further out from the protection of his family. Now he was at the far edge of the battlefield, and in order to reach him, she had no choice but to fight through a wall of enemies to reach him.

And besides, she couldn't just take off by herself after Luke. She had learnt the hard way that Solos/Skywalkers needed to stick together. Bad things happened when they went off on individual crusades.

Jaina, was the exception. She had gradually come to trust her daughter's ability to come out the other end of even the toughest situations. With Luke out of the order, Jaina now held the unofficial title of "most powerful Jedi"

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