Chapter 23 (The Eternal Conflict)

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Location: Slave 1 on the planet Mandalore

"This is a first, Fett."
She said with her trademark mix of danger and smokey seductiveness.

She continued:
"Usually I'm the one calling on you for backup."

Normally, Fett would have replied with something succinct yet non-committal, but not now. He found himself doing something he loathed: Explaining himself.

"Officially, Mando's don't need help from anyone... But...My people... Well.. We are about to go all in on... a little project..."
He trailed off.

"Well, you don't seemed too thrilled about this... project."
She interjected.

"When have you ever known me to be thrilled about anything ." He asked

"Fair enough." she conceded, then continued: "Look Fett! For decades, you've always been there for me, no questions asked... Of course I've got your back! Just tell me when and where.

"When: Is best possible speed. Where is... Naboo!"

There was a pause on her end of the transmission and then in a voice as cold as Hoth, she uttered just one word: "Skywalker!"

On the view screen, Boba could see the edges of her lips begin to curl upward in a small smile. After a slight inhalation of air, she spoke again; this time with a voice that burned with the heat of Mustafar.

"I do so love it when business is mixed with pleasure." She had that look in her eye that was not so dissimilar from the look his own people got when war was on the horizon.

That's the effect affect Luke Skywalker had on the galaxy: Half the beings out there, worshiped him. The other half used a holo of his face for target practice.

Fett and Skywalker had a precarious relationship throughout the years, but there was always an unspoken respect between the two heavy weights. They had, at times, found themselves on opposite sides of a conflict. Even then Fett knew it was just business.

The woman on the other end of this transmission, was different. Luke... No! Not just Luke. The very idea of Luke Skywalker was like poison in her veins. Even if she would just be there as "backup", she couldn't pass up the chance, no matter how small, that she could truly and finally end him.

"Just give me an hour to make preparations... I'll be there with bells on." She said in a voice that eerily reminded Fett of an eager young school girl."

"Thank you." he replied . And while reaching for the channel's cut off switch, he added. "Oh, and Dalaa..."

"Yes Fett?"  She responded

"When you get there, check in with Goran Beviin."
He said, almost as an afterthought.

"Your Lieutenant?"

"Yeah, that's him. His word is as good as mind."

"Whatever you say Fett. I better get going and see to those preparations. Oh, and Fett... Good Hunting."

That was it. The last piece of the puzzle. He may have been setting his people on the path of their destruction, but he would see to it they had a fighting Chance. Admiral Natasi Daala was the ultimate backup; An Idiot's Array.

After all there was no real choice in the matter.
Boba Fett may have led Mandalore, but he would only be allowed to lead his people in a single direction: Towards conflict. Even if that conflict was bad for the galaxy... Even if that conflict was bad for Mandalore. History was clear on this!

There had been a Mandalore whose name would never again be spoken: Satine Kryze. She had led her people to peace and prosperity... She had led her people to the slaughter. By the time the Empire came, Mandalorians were so divided and confused, they didn't stand a chance.

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