Chapter 10 (Progression in Opposition)

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Location: Abeloth's Planet, deep inside the Maw Cluster of black holes.

The heat was everywhere; omnipresent and pervasive. The Sun that hung in the sky poured it onto their backs. The volcano that lay below, pumped it into the soles of their feet.

Lando Calrissian, had been on a hundred jungle planets; all with a thousand variations of the same trees, flowers, and soil. This place...
This place stood alone. There was an ancient grandeur that permeated everything, animate or otherwise.

He had been in orbit of this world, years earlier. Back then he had no desire to step foot here. From all accounts the ecosystem, was a complete perversion of nature, controlled by an ancient evil.
Things were different now.

Abeloth had been... Destroyed? Abyssed? Who Knew?
Wherever she was, she wasn't here. The plant ecologically had returned to something more recognizable.

That being said, Lando still had no desire to be here.
Lando Calrissian, the man who always played it safe, had left that safety back at his base and had made the perilous journey here because of "Him"!

He had been dragged here because, as always, it was a "necessary step", to stand up to the GA and the Jedi. Veradun was always convincing him, that Luke needed to be stopped! He had convinced him, that they needed some kinda "insurance", just incase the plan went sideways. They would find that "insurance" here.

Lately, Lando felt like a ship, whose course had been locked in by persons unknown. A course of destruction and ruination...

He thought he knew who had laid in that course...
Vestara! Of course it was her! And Ben for Protecting her! And the Jedi, for Playing Gods, and the GA...

"We're here !" Said  Malgus

With his thoughts caught in this reoccurring feedback loop, Lando hadn't been paying attention to  their Journey or destination. But, they were indeed there.
This planet was known to everyone, as Abeloth's planet, but the truth of the matter was that it belonged to beings far older and powerful.
"The ones" had called this world home, over 100,000 years in the past. They had resources here that defied belief, yet were nonetheless real. Resources, such as the Font of Power and the pool of knowledge. Being closely involved in the fight to take back Coruscant from Abeloth, Lando had been fully briefed on the Ones, and Abeloth, and Abeloth's planet.  He knew the Jedi were looking for Mortis, and The Mortis Dagger; a weapon that had  killed the ones and had the power to kill Abeloth. But he knew they would never find it. The strange realm of Mortis had died along with the family that had lived their. The Dagger was lost forever.
That Dagger was lost forever!

But on this strange planet that had supernatural founts and pools, he expected to find the raw materials need to construct another.

Lando stood at the edge of a river of a lava, sweating profusely and doing his best to brace himself against the barrage of heat pouring from the stream of fire. Beside him, stood Malgus; upright and confident, completely oblivious to the unforgiving climate they found themselves in. As if he had been created for this specific moment, he confidently strolled up to the rivers edge. Kneeling down, he plunged his droid hand into the molten sludge and pulled out a fist full of lava. This was, of course, no ordinary lava, just as the pool contained anything but ordinary water. The force flowed from it and through it; raw and untamed. It was a thing of beauty to Malgus. He hoped, It would be a thing of nightmares for Luke Skywalker.

Location: Tendrando Arms Secret Base below the surface of the planet Socorro. The next day.

In a long forgotten store room, deep underground on a long forgotten planet, the dark council met.
The True Dark Council.

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